Video: Tories receive millions from Russians and hide Russian interference report – so MSM doorsteps JEREMY CORBYN about a bona fide report Labour found online

If anyone cherished any lingering doubts that the UK’s democracy is broken by a craven media estate, those doubts will be dispelled by events today.

Boris Johnson is still withholding a damning report into Russian interference in UK politics – few seriously doubt that this is because it incriminates the Tories, who have received many millions of pounds from Russian donors.

Johnson and other leading Tories – including the then-Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson – have sold themselves to attend events and even play tennis with Russian oligarchs and their families in return for more huge donations.

So today, the ‘free and fearless’ UK media have doorstepped… Jeremy Corbyn.

The excuse for this disgrace is a claim that a Tory trade document Labour exposed during the general election campaign was obtained by Russian hackers. It wasn’t given to Labour by Russian hackers – Labour accessed it online as did thousands of others – but was supposedly originally hacked by them.

And Labour were late to the party, exposing the documents in November 2019 – but the right-wing Telegraph newspaper had them four months earlier, in July 2019:

The facts are obvious and easily verifiable. Yet a video released by Corbyn’s wife Laura Alvarez today shows right-wing media ‘doorstepping’ Corbyn and demanding to know whether he ‘regrets’ using the document.

The document that he found online while Boris Johnson was busy burying the report on actual Russian interference in UK politics:

We are – and have been for a long time – well and truly through the looking glass and into the Orwellian territory on the other side, where Dominic Cummings bounces a dead cat to distract from Johnson’s guilt and the whole so-called ‘mainstream’ media gleefully collaborate.

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