Video: govt lying outright to control CV death toll narrative

Claim that family approval is needed before adding a number to the total is nonsense

The government is lying to the UK’s people in what appears to be an attempt to control the media narrative on the increase in deaths caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus.

Last night’s BBC Newsnight programme said that the government is claiming that it cannot add deaths to the tragic total as they happen, because it has to obtain the permission of each family before it can do so:

The government’s claim is utter nonsense – an outright lie. There are no data or confidentiality implications to adding a number to the total – and no need to obtain permission. That would only apply if personal details were involved.

It is also as pointless as it is dishonest. The Tories’ ploy reduced yesterday’s official death toll to 43 – but today’s is 115 (really at least 119). Sooner or later, the delayed deaths will have to be disclosed.

This is a government that lies out of habit, not even out of any necessity.

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