Analysis Exclusive Guest article

“The future of the NHS is in your hands” – leading GP and health campaigner Dr Kailash Chand OBE

Once the NHS is gone, it will be gone forever

By Dr Kailash Chand OBE

In this election the Tories are asking voters to buy into Boris Johnson’s agenda of giving away the NHS ‘on a platter’ to Donald Trump.

Johnson’s track record as Prime Minister shows no sign whatever of confronting the NHS crisis. He simply doesn’t want to address the rock-bottom morale of the NHS family – nor the decline in patient care.

Instead, he intends to press ahead with the Tories’ ideologically-driven, poorly thought out privatisation of an unsafe, underfunded, fragmented NHS.

The very existence of the NHS in any meaningful form is at stake.

The NHS is a world-class institution, with world-class practitioners – one that is being torn apart by second-rate politicians.

We are already on the way to the end of comprehensive healthcare, free at the point of need and available to all who need it.

Once the NHS is gone, it will be gone forever. Sick people will face the nightmare of not being able to afford the treatment they need.

The NHS is facing financial meltdown, catastrophic workforce issues and a political uncertainty. Another five years of starving the NHS of resources and proper funding will reduce our health and social care services to a third world service.

A failing NHS will only help to boost private healthcare insurance for those who can afford it, signalling the death knell for a universal healthcare service, free at the point of use.

This is what Boris Johnson wants through the back door. But the NHS belongs to us, not to the Tory politicians and not to the privateers.

The future of the NHS is in your hands. We cannot trust the Tories to be its custodians.

It’s up to each and every one of us to fight for the NHS, otherwise it won’t be there to look after us, never mind the next generation. Aneurin Bevan was once asked how long he thought the NHS would survive.

He replied:

As long as there are folk left with the faith to fight for it.

A vote for the Tory party means giving up that fight, giving away control to a government that is self-evidently committed to dismantling the NHS as we know it.

For the common person on the street the general election election mantra must be ‘NHS, NHS, NHS‘. Otherwise it’s going to be SOS NHS.

Vote Labour on 12 December.

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  1. If we think Nigel Farage cosying up to Trump is a snake oil salesman, we’ve seen nothing compared to what the Dangerous Clown in Downing Street has in store for us!

    His ‘Get Brexit Done’ mantra will quickly become ‘Get Brexit, You’ve Been Done’ if he gets back into no.10.

    1. GARY YOUNGE today is spot on in my view:

      “emphasise Johnson’s untrustworthiness but to tie it to Brexit.”

      “baked into people’s views that he’s a liar. Yet they believe he’s sincere when he says he’ll “get Brexit done” by the end of January.

      He isn’t. He won’t. He can’t.

      Trade agreements don’t work like that.They are complex and lengthy and, as we know, the timetable isn’t dictated by one side.”

      “…nail his dissembling, conman shtick to his Brexit promise and make it clear that he’s lying about that

      the same way he’s lied about everything else and

      he’s lying to them the same way he’s lied to everyone else.”

      “Labour needs to start tying Johnson’s untrustworthiness to Brexit. And stop promising new things.”

      The blizzard of announcements are better late than never but should have been repeated over the last three years…. to FILL the space… fill the vacuum which was occupied by the remain fever and fog.

      The approach of waiting for MSM balance in the election period is flawed. 1️⃣ period too short for our ideas to gain full traction. 2️⃣ MSM as a whole, is never balanced, even during the election campaign. We can neither set the questions they ask nor the repeated slanders they CHOOSE to make. 3️⃣ Nature abhors a vacuum. We cannot blame the Conservatives & the MSM, for filling the vacuum with their repeated lies. It is their nature.

      NOW with five days to go, best we consolidate and focus on KEY tangible issues on the doorstep and EVERYWHERE.

      Homelessness. IN WORK POVERTY. Affordable housing. UNIVERSAL CREDIT punishing of the most vulnerable for private foreign profit BILLIONS. VAST subsidies to private run companies and pursuits of the 1% eg Boris Johnson’s PRIVATE Garden Bridge.

      Mental Health Crisis. Social Care Tory Catastrophe. Proper treatment of the military not FAKE TORY patriotic NOISE. NHS and other Privatisation by STEALTH. VIRGIN HEALTHCARE SUING THE NHS for MILLIONS.
      PROBATION, TAGGING & PRISON services privatised and outsourced… hence TERRORISM ➕ CRIME on our streets ALL AFTER NINE YEARS OF TORY DESTRUCTION.

      I believe only clear straight forward issues like these which are supported by ROBUST EVIDENCE should be repeated EVERY HOUR TILL THE ELECTION and beyond. We will continue to come under hostilities from the MSM even after a victory, so best start the habit now.

  2. Said as much t’other day on a different thread.

    Those women doing the pilates on telly t’other day…You might ‘like’ de piffle morethan Corbyn, and he might well get your brexit done for ya..

    …You won’t like him after you find your pension that you won’t be getting until you’re 66 won’t cover the cost of your hip replacement.

    You won’t like him when your grandchild’s asthma medicine bill comes home to roost..

    ..Or when your kids, as well as not being able to afford their own home, can’t afford their insurance due to whatever ailment they had as a child…

    But it’s YOUR choice…

  3. I was struck by some campaign advice in an article by Gary Younge in the Groan. A thought for the final week, counselling against diffuseness :

    ” Labour has to stop promising new things; everyone who’s been paying attention understands it is the transformative party with the big offer. Now’s the time to show it can deliver that offer – to convince the electorate that Labour can be trusted with the changes that will help the country while Johnson can’t even be trusted with anything, including the very policy on which his campaign hangs.”

  4. just saw this in the i, online: “‘Lib Dem old-timers blame the Remainiac influx for the party’s struggles'”. Serves them right. Plus relieved that we don’t a monopoly of the “Remainiacs”. REJOICE🎉🎉🎉 There’s hope😊😊😊

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