Johnson has pupils shut away in room while he visits school

Nottinghamshire school told children they must not leave common room while un-named ‘minister’ was on premises

Pupils at a Nottinghamshire school were ‘locked’ way – shut in a room and ordered not to come out – while Boris Johnson visited today.

Outraged parents related the facts on social media:

Anger was raised even to an even greater intensity by the fact that the school has suffered brutal cuts under the Tories:

Boris Johnson’s ‘man of the people’ shtick has been exposed. On the same day that he hid from a hospital in ‘black alert’ status to visit one nearby – like any NHS hospital, it is barely avoiding collapse too – he had children shut away so he could visit a school without fear of having to meet them or hear the impact of Tory cuts on their education.

He is a coward – and all the stage-managed PR stunts in the world cannot hide it.

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