Video: Tory MPs mock Corbyn’s Grenfell tie – even after May warns them off

Ex-PM tells jeering Tories to back off. It makes no difference
Solidarity: Jeremy Corbyn – with Grenfell badge and green tie

Tory MPs loudly mocked Jeremy Corbyn for wearing a green tie during Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs) today, jeering as Corbyn congratulated retiring Speaker John Bercow for, among other things, reducing the amount of pomp and costume in Parliament.

As the Daily Mirror’s Pippa Crerar noted, the only Tory MP with enough awareness to object to their behaviour was former PM Theresa May:

But it made no difference:

Corbyn was wearing the tie – and an accompanying heart badge – in solidarity with victims and survivors of the Grenfell Tower blaze, who have been in the news again this week.

The families of Grenfell victims were watching from the visitors’ gallery.

Boris Johnson also wore a badge, but clearly it was just a token for boorish PM, who did not admonish his MPs. Hardly surprising, since he told London Assembly members challenging his swingeing cuts to fire services as London mayor to ‘get stuffed‘.


If there is anything you can trust a Tory for, it’s being heartless, crass and oblivious to the suffering of working-class people.

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