Two govt lies and an accidental truth: Gove’s Freudian slip on Johnson/Cummings no-deal plan

“We in this government seek to leave without a deal”

Michael Gove made a very telling ‘Freudian slip’ during his appearance in the House of Commons today to push the government line on its sham ‘negotiations’ with the EU – and its attempt to pin the blame for the impending and entirely planned ‘collapse’ of the talks on those pesky foreigners.

“We in this government seek to leave without a deal”

Gove launched into a string of patent untruths about supposed flexibility and compromise by the Johnson government – whose sketchy proposal on an alternative solution for Northern Ireland would be laughably vague and unworkable if there was anything to smile about.

But he couldn’t quite carry it off without a little truth slipping out:

The Tories continue in their cowardice and dishonesty – determined to plunge the UK into a no-deal Brexit but desperate to shift the blame onto anyone but themselves.

But Gove’s slip is a rare, if unintentional, exception that only exposes the Johnson-Cummings norm.

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