Analysis Exclusive

Excl: Times’ “invented b****cks” exposes political “ignorance” in attack on Corbyn team

Murdoch paper’s latest attack fiction, according to Labour insiders
Targeted by fake news: Corbyn and chief of staff Karie Murphy

Rupert Murdoch’s Sunday Times has been accused of wholesale invention by Labour insiders in its latest attack on Jeremy Corbyn’s ‘LOTO’ (Leader of the Opposition) team – and of displaying a breathtaking level of ignorance of left politics in the process.

The paper printed a series of wild claims attributed to supposed ‘multiple sources’ within the party – including a claim that Corbyn is considering stepping down, in spite of the Labour leader’s absolutely clear, televised statement that he will lead Labour into the general election and serve a full parliamentary term.

The Sunday Times’ ‘feeble’ attack on Corbyn’s chief of staff

And one of the wildest – and silliest – claims is that Corbyn’s chief of staff Karie Murphy applied for and failed to get a job as the Cooperative Party’s general secretary.

A number of senior Labour insiders told the SKWAWKBOX that the Murphy claim was nonsense – mostly using far stronger wording.

Another noted that even the suggestion showed a ‘surprising’ ignorance about the realities of Labour politics. While the Co-operative Party is a sister party to Labour, with a number of MPs standing under a ‘Labour and Co-operative’ banner, the Co-op Party has for a long time been dominated by the right of the Labour movement, without the left resurgence seen by Labour itself:

It’s invented bollocks that nobody who knew anything about Labour politics would fall for for a second. I’m surprised that even the Sunday Times has demonstrated quite that level of ignorance.

The Co-op Party is a haven for centrists – its chair until a couple of months ago was Gareth Thomas, who supported Owen Smith in [the 2016 leadership contest] and its new chair is Anna Turley. There’s just no way anyone who had a clue would think for a second that they’d take on someone as left – and as loyal to Jeremy – as Karie Murphy.

Their new general secretary was with [Labour affiliate] SERA for years and it’s no secret they’re dominated by the right as well. Stirring trouble again, but talk about feeble – and the rest of their article was no better.


The media smears are ramping up even higher. General election’s coming.

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  1. Why are we giving tories oxygen on the NHS,
    Which they are now describing as our ‘our NHS’ amid a tsunami of dodgy funding announcements
    Call it out and close it down once and for all
    Every conversation should start with
    Why do you have a visceral hatred of public services in general and the NHS in particular,
    Every time you come into power you run the NHS into the ground, starving it of funding and demoralizing our doctors and nurses,
    And for what, your sick ideology, desperate to sell our NHS to American Health Companies,
    You have no record of supporting the NHS because you dont believe in our NHS,
    You only believe in tax cuts for the rich

    They are up to their old tricks, stealing Labours clothing and promising the earth, none of which is ever costed

    What is the current national debt under Tories

  2. Then keep tossing grenades in

    What happened to the ‘Dementia tax, forcing people to sell their homes to pay for Social Care’
    Why are you going to force everyone to work until their 75
    How many hospitals were ever commissioned and built under the cheap and nasty Tory party
    How much do you owe the NHS, how much have you taken out of the NHS since 2010

    FFS it’s the one and only issue Cummings and his glove puppet are scared of leading upto the GE ,
    Do not give them the lickings of a dog, screw them into the ground, once and for all, make sure it will take a generation for them to recover

  3. They are still scared and this is an attempt by them to make the man behind the paradigm shift seem insecure and unstable.

    They’ve tried to smear, defile and defame him, and his voice grows louder. They’ve attacked his reputation with fallacious accusations (antisemitism, no less) and his arguments became more compelling.

    So now they try this and WE will make sure that it does not work.

    “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

    Mahatma Gandhi, it seems, did not realise how dirty and dishonourable the British ruling class would be when under attack by a man who speaks for the Many.

    It will not work. It’s a battle of nerves

  4. If you remember there were similar lies told by the media and others during the chicken coup in 2016 and in the run up to the General election in 2017.
    We were told in 2016 that Jeremy,s close friend and shadow chancellor John McDonnell was ready to challenge him for the leadership, that Seema Malhotra was canvassing support for John. – all untrue
    In 2017 it was confidently forecast we would lose 100 seats Instead we made a net gain of 30 seats and deprived Theresa May of a conservative majority.
    In both 2016 and 2017 so called grandees where wheeled out to condemn Jeremy – this is happening now too – the latest one being Jack Straw who has a real cheek to criticise anyone given his role in the Iraq invasion.
    Anyway the smears and lies didn’t work then and they won,t work now but the people spreading them are just too stupid to see this which is why they continue.

    1. Smartboy..we lost,remember!We all know why.The Negative impact on an election by the enemy within and HQ being run to throw a Labour government with Corbyn in charge.Mcnicol is given a peerage by the man who he locked out of the HQ.We are still carrying baggage in all parts of the Labour party including HQ and the NEC.Things have changed and Jeremy is now able to get inside HQ and the staff are mainly in support of Corbyn,but not all of them..We have to fight for a democratic socialist Labour government,so despite all of the baggage we go into battle with far more chance than last time.But we must remember not to believe our own lies and be realistic in watching our backs and keep our idle traitors out of mischief..solidarity

  5. All smears and negative campaigning have worked at least on some issues and we know it!The torys can be ruthlessly effective in campaigning and we know it.We can appoint a Specifically full time Rebuttal team,even the media are leaking the truth occasionally.We have a fantastic manifesto that will swing the electorate towards Labour.The message must be clear must be delivered.And the traitors need to be gagged and bagged…Roll the dice and Quickly!

  6. Keeping the one way media out seems to be preventing the spies from knowing our strategies, until we surprise them, hence they are going to the has beens on the back benches and the demoted to tea boy staff from the old regime, who used to have a corner office but who now sit lonely among a crowd of new enthusiastic staff in the staff pool or hide hermit like in the supply closet.

  7. We have broken the one way media control of the party office now they have to make up the stories with fake news… 😀

    1. Spot on ian walker….Hoping the lies dont stick,but now Watson has raised his ugly head…who knows?

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