Coyle CLP tells members of trigger meetings after SKWAWKBOX exposé – if member, make sure to attend

One branch has trigger meeting tomorrow morning. If you’re eligible to vote, make sure to attend
Facing triggers: Neil Coyle

Yesterday the SKWAWKBOX exposed the lack of information members of Bermondsey and Old Southwark (BOS) constituency Labour party (CLP) say they’ve received about ‘trigger’ meetings arranged under Labour’s rules to decide whether Neil Coyle – who has faced censure by local members in the past – will face a selection contest to represent Labour in the seat.

Coyle’s team, meanwhile, was busy sending emails to members he thought might support him, asking them to attend.

Within hours of the exposé, a message from the constituency chair was finally sent out to members notifying them of the meetings, although it did not include details of the meetings, saying they were sent separately.

The header of the email belatedly notifying members

Tomorrow, Newington branch has its trigger meeting at 11am at Penrose TRA Hall, Penrose Grove, Walworth SE17 3EZ. Any members entitled to vote must arrive before the meeting starts – membership and identity checks will start from 10.30am and members should take membership cards and a photo ID.

If you are a member of a different BOS branch, please check with your branch secretary and organise with your colleagues to attend. If one in three branches votes for a full selection contest, one will take place – as long as no general election is called in the meantime.

Members of other CLPs should check with their branch or CLP secretary urgently, as the trigger window will close if a general election is called.

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