TV’s Riley ‘meeting Rees-Mogg’ for ‘talks about potential political future’, says Rowe

Rumours of meetings to discuss a political future

Former Madam Natalie Rowe has claimed on social media that Countdown mathematician Rachel Riley has been meeting Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg privately for talks about a potential political future for the celebrity.

Ms Rowe claimed that Ms Riley had blocked her because she was aware the news was about to emerge:

Riley has angered Labour supporters recently with what they say are unfounded accusations of antisemitism against the Labour Party’s members and its leader, as well as similar accusations even against respected – and Jewish – left-wing intellectual Noam Chomsky.

The SKWAWKBOX has been unable to reach Ms Riley for comment on the accuracy of Natalie Rowe’s claim, but a call has been placed with her showbusiness agents. Mr Rees-Mogg only answers enquiries by letter.

Riley was reportedly scheduled to appear on the BBC’s Newsnight this evening. so it will be interesting to see whether she is asked about her political aspirations.

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