Video: Corbyn shames oblivious BBC for obsessing over a word while ignoring homeless death

Jeremy Corbyn puts the BBC on the spot

Jeremy Corbyn confronted the disgraceful BBC this morning over its obsession with a muttered word in the Commons when it fails to report the government turning a no-deal Brexit into a panto – and even more seriously, the tragic death of the second homeless man this year outside the Parliament security exit.

As Corbyn understandably took to task the BBC reporter pursuing him down the street with questions about ‘respectful language’ in Parliament, you’d expect his point to at least give pause for thought – but the oblivious BBC man ploughed on, oblivious:

SKWAWKBOX comment:

The BBC – along with many other ‘MSM’ outlets – has been more than happy to accommodate the ‘dead cat’ thrown by the Tories to distract from their utter incompetence and the embarrassing performance of Theresa May during yesterday’s Prime Minister’s Questions.

The horrific toll of Tory government on the veulnerable is not the only thing the BBC is ignoring today. It’s more than clear after analysis of the video evidence that, as confirmed by lip-reading experts yesterday, Corbyn did not say what the lying (yet again) Tories claimed. Yet still they and other media act as if it wasn’t Establishment fake news.

It is both a tragedy and a scandal for a nation suffering obscene poverty and deprivation that the national broadcaster is eagerly complicit in Establishment attempts to divert the country’s attention from the stark realities of life in a UK blighted by almost nine years of idealogically-motivated Tory policies.

By contrast, Corbyn’s genuine humanity shines through the fog of yet another desperate smear and distraction.

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