Guardian’s corrects fake-news headline on Corbyn article – hours late

Jeremy Corbyn’s handling of the difficult issue of Brexit has been exemplary – a fact even acknowledged, in one of its weaker moments, by the BBC. The result has been the collapse of May’s government – and of her credibility.

But the centrist section of the Establishment is still ready to undermine his intelligent stance and determination to represent the whole population.

On Thursday evening, an article by Jeremy Corbyn was published by the Guardian on the topic of Labour’s plans for Brexit and the party’s ability to negotiate a far better deal than May has achieved in over two years.

It’s pitch perfect – laying out the weaknesses of May’s deal, avoiding any hint of complacency about the result of the parliamentary vote on it next week and describing the advantages of Labour’s plan.

The article mentions, correctly, that Labour’s policy is to keep all options on the table until a good deal is agreed, acknowledging that one of these options is a public vote on the deal.

It goes no further on that particular topic – but the Guardian’s initial headline gave an entirely different – and entirely misleading – impression.

The headline ‘quotes’ Corbyn treating the matter as a ‘binary’ issue – that the Labour is putting forward only two choices – that Labour takes over the negotiations or else there must be a public vote:

The Guardian’s misleading original headline, top, and the corrected version published hours later, below

The Guardian eventually corrected its headline, but only after the misleading one had been online for around three hours. The Guardian’s initial tweet of the article link, with the misleading headline, was still on its Twitter feed at the time of publication of this article, almost six hours later.

SKWAWKBOX comment:

Any suggestion that Labour is planning to block Brexit would damage Labour electorally, especially in northern ‘heartlands’ that strongly voted Brexit.

The SKWAWKBOX has not yet confirmed whether the party complained to the paper about the misleading headline.

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