SKWAWKBOX launches Telegram channel

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As the SKWAWKBOX has covered, over the last year and more the established social media channels have been making more and more changes to restrict the visibility of alternative news media – and even deleting media pages or accounts completely.

The SKWAWKBOX is making a new means available for followers to find, read and share its articles by launching a Telegram channel.

Telegram is a messaging platform whose basic functionality will be similar to those who have used WhatsApp. However, it also has a channels feature allowing any user to follow information they find of interest in the same way they’d follow a Twitter account – and, crucially, it was created and is run by an individual with a vocal commitment to free speech.

To use Telegram, all readers need is a mobile phone and to download the free app. To follow the SKWAWKBOX channel follow this link, which also gives visitors the opportunity to download and install the app, then open the channel.

Once Telegram is installed, search for SKWAWKBOX and click to see the feed. Use the menu button in the top right corner and click ‘Join Channel’:

Notifications can also be set up to receive a prompt when new posts are published. User information is are not visible to other subscribers.

For those who prefer to follow their news via PC/Mac/laptop, desktop versions are available – install on your phone first and then install the desktop version on the other machine and follow the set-up instructions to link them.

The SKWAWKBOX Twitter and Facebook feeds will continue unchanged, at least subject to the actions of those platforms, but please follow and share the new Telegram channel and use it as a secure source of posts that can be shared on your other social media feeds.

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