Lansman, Momentum: Jewish Chronicle claims ‘complete and utter bollocks’

jc jl

The Jewish Chronicle has published an article, showcasing claims by a supposed Momentum ‘senior figure’ about views allegedly held by Momentum founder Jon Lansman that attempts to dismiss the importance of Jewish Voice for Labour JVL), the left-wing, pro-Corbyn Labour group.

But the article goes further, with the inflammatory claim by the alleged source that:

Jon actually believes the real problem with JVL is their very existence.

The comments have provoked outrage among many Labour activists:

However, Momentum and its founder have denied the accuracy of the claims, with a Momentum source particularly forthright:

These claims are complete and utter bollocks, designed to divide the left.

Another Momentum source described the piece’s author Lee Harpin – a former Mirror and Murdoch journalist arrested but not prosecuted during the phone-hacking investigation and now writing for the Jewish Chronicle – as a ‘very hostile’ commentator.

Last week, Harpin accused Labour MP Barry Gardiner of trying to ‘bypass’ the Jewish Leadership Council by asking for a meeting with the Chief Rabbi – and had to be corrected by the MP:

Lansman himself was more circumspect than Momentum, however, sending an email this morning to members of CLPD (Campaign for Labour Party Democracy) expressing his surprise that the Jewish Chronicle was being treated as a credible source:

SKWAWKBOX comment:

The final sentence of the email supports the idea that Lansman’s worldview is at odds with that of JVL. However, the only evidence for Lansman holding such an extreme view of JVL’s ‘problem existence’ appears to be an unattributed third-party claim in a newspaper that was recently exposed by the SKWAWKBOX as holding back evidence of the authenticity of a pro-Corbyn letter signed by over thirty London Orthodox rabbis until just after this blog informed them that it would be publishing the evidence here.

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