Juncker ‘denies’ mocking Maybot dance (video). Kind of

EU President Jean-Claude Juncker appeared to mock Theresa May’s embarrassing attempt at dancing last week at the Conservative party conference when he performed a similar ‘dance’ at the podium as he prepared to give a speech to the ‘Committee of the Regions’:

Mr Juncker’s spokesman declined to provide a direct response to a media enquiry, instead pointing to a tweet by another of his press team that she said answered whether he had indeed been mocking May.

Which it did – kind of:

But Schinas’ allusion to an Abba song lyric, ‘Without a song and dance what would our life be?’ suggests that the denial might not have been entirely serious. May’s ‘dance’ was to Abba’s ‘Dancing Queen’ – probably without permission of the band.

Certainly the audience’s raucous laughter indicates that they immediately made the perhaps-implied connection to the Maybot.

SKWAWKBOX comment:

Of course, diplomatically, Juncker can’t admit he was mocking May. But perhaps the the ‘denial’ was also diplomatic.

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