Hodges’ latest fail even more vile than usual

Right-wing Corbyn-obsessive and Mail ‘journalist’ Dan Hodges has a remarkable history of ‘self-ownage’ and an ability to be uniformly wrong that can only be considered impressive.

However, while his ‘fails’ are often amusing even when he attempts to be offensive, his effort this week was a demonstration of unpleasantness without even the mitigation of being funny.

Hodges began yet another disaster with an snide attempt to imply something distasteful about Jewish author Michael Rosen – which Rosen put down ably:

But when Hodge attempted a come-back, Twitter user Andy Greene compared Hodges’ Corbyn obsession with Hodges’ attack on Rosen and interjected:

In response, Dan opened his mouth like a dank, fetid cavern and inserted a malodorous foot:

Mr Greene’s Twitter handle might have been a clue, but Hodges’ snipe is made inexcusable by his response after Greene enlightened him – as another Twitter user pointed out.

Mr Greene – a father of five and a member of the DPAC (Disabled People against Cuts) steering group as well as managing a disability rights organisation – was born without legs or a right arm and so has spent a lifetime overcoming challenges, so having a failed Mail ‘journalist’ for breakfast was surely no great test.

Without question he was right in observing that he is a bigger man than any right-wing ‘gobshite’.

The SKWAWKBOX has not been able to reach Hodges privately for comment.

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