Javid folds like a deck of cards with mealy-mouthed ‘denial’ retraction

Home Secretary Sajid Javid has been widely lambasted on social media for a ludicrously libellous tweet implying that Jeremy Corbyn encourages Holocaust denial.

Within an hour of news filtering out that Corbyn had pushed back, Javid had folded like a collapsing deck of cards, issuing this tweet:

Javid’s tweet does not state exactly what he means by “Corbyn’s position on antisemitism” that the odious original poster is supposed to have ‘bought into’ – but as Corbyn’s position on antisemitism is that it is abhorrent and intolerable, Javid’s retraction looks mealy-mouthed at best, still leaving a smear hanging in the air like a bad smell for which Mr Javid bears sole, cynical responsibility.

The SKWAWKBOX has asked Mr Javid to clarify exactly what he means and will publish any response received.

In the meantime, the SKWAWKBOX has created an artist’s impression of what Javid’s proper apology for his outrageous defamation might look like:

Fixed it.

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