Woodcock quits Labour blaming ‘witch-hunt’ over sex-pest allegations

John Woodcock

Barrow MP John Woodcock has resigned from the Labour Party. The MP was under investigation by the party over allegations that he had sexually harassed a female aide. He had recently announced he was ‘withdrawing cooperation’ from the party’s investigation into the allegations.

Woodcock’s case had highlighted the hypocrisy of the Labour right, who were happy to try the still-suspended Kelvin Hopkins in the media, but were – and remain – conspicuously silent about allegations against one of their own.

The state of the Labour investigation is unknown, but now that Woodcock has removed himself from the reach of the party’s discipline it is essential that a parliamentary investigation takes over so that the allegations against him are properly examined – and its conclusions must be made public.


Mr Woodcock’s reasons for resigning are his own, but if he compares notes with left-wingers he might find that his understanding of a witch-hunt needs adjustment. In spite of his unhappiness about public discussion of his case, he showed little hesitation in making public, unevidenced accusations that Labour’s general secretary had leaked details of his case and briefed against him.

In any case, he will be little missed and Barrow Labour members should waste no time . in selecting a genuine Labour candidate to take his seat at the next election.

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