
Video: mass brawls at races in successive weekends. No media talk of ‘rich white person problem’

ascot brawl

A mass brawl broke out at a horse-racing meeting on Saturday for the second weekend in succession, with fighting at Ascot, one of the most exclusive racing venues, a week after a battle at Goodwood involving fifty people. The footage makes shocking viewing:

The media has covered the fighting. But it’s interesting to note the entirely different tone used than would have been employed had those involved been members of an ethnic minority.

Metro, for example, quoted Ascot’s communications manager talking about an “irresponsible minority”. But none of the articles are talking about a “privileged white person’s problem”.

It’s not hard to imagine the headlines had two mass brawls, in successive weekends, involving black or muslim people – or the number of talking heads that would be all over the media instead of a few short mentions in the press.

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  1. Coke-fuelled rich Men was Radio 5s interpretation this morning
    More uniformed security people was the “solution” proferred

  2. we are living in a country that views any antisocial behaviour by white rich blokes as a cavalier’s delict.. It is also a country where racist attitudes are inherent. And then add double standards. It is uitterly dispicable.

  3. Yes the posh get merry and its high jinks but the working class get drunk and are hooligans? Someone once told me the term ‘hooligan’ comes from ‘Hoolihans’ a London family who unfortunately got a bad name?
    I once facilitated a workshop with diverse working class trade unionists and I would take the Daily Mirror and the Daily Mail and we would look at how they both covered the same stories and the language they used which told you a lot. Words are powerful.

  4. Like a scene from “The Secret Life of 5 Year Olds” and about as dangerous. I suggest “When Henrys Go Bad” for the inevitable reality show.
    Seven of them had to visit the emergency manicurist and one was kept in overnight for a chipped tooth and suspected PTSD apparently.

  5. I’d rather themtoffs were knocking sh*te out of each other for their sordid kicks instead of enticing the homeless & vulnerable into ‘bumfights’.

    A good hiding’ll do them the world of good 😀

  6. In Chester race days are a nightmare chavfest. The pubs are a no-go zone. Here’s hoping it’s reputation will take a hit if/when one of these brawls breaks out there. The city’s fucked if its economy relies on scum like these!

  7. The London based gutter press year after year went to Aintree to capture photos of mainly woman in uncompromising situations (the camera captures 1/125th second of time), attempting to portray chavvy Scousers. Aintree was so fed up with it they banned certain newspapers. There was never any problems at Aintree at all. A nice day out with nice people from all over the UK.

    Look at the Southern brawls at race meets. This London media has got a cheek.

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