
Major fail as Tories try to cut and paste Labour campaign tweet

Haringey Tories appear to have run out of ideas as much as their politically bankrupt national organisation. So much so, that they were reduced to trying to cut, paste and adapt a Haringey Labour campaign tweet to shore up their own effort.

It turned out to be an ‘epic fail’.

The Labour tweet was straightforward enough:

labour orig.jpg

The Tory version was almost an exact replica – a little too exact:

tory paste

Spot the slip? Here it is:

tory oops cropped

A Haringey Labour campaigner tweeted about the ‘fail’ with obvious relish – and followed it up with a bit of mockery of a right-leaning journalist’s premature-congratulation about supposed improvements in Tory social media competence:

sc paste

sc payne.png


The Tories are a blight on our society and a horror to the vulnerable. But at least their social media efforts continue to provide some amusement.

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  1. Amateurs like Global Neo-Liberal Capitalist Barbarian (Macron, French Tony Blair) v Trump National Neo-Liberal Capitalist Barbarian Trump.
    The World needs honest, peaceful, bottom up, participatory, Left Wing Democratic Socialists like Jeremy Corbyn in every country.
    There is hope in the World tonight and remember “most human beings want to be kind.” Solidarity!

  2. The last time I saw a failed piece of fakery this spectacular was on the rim of a medal where an unscrupulous operator who owned an engraving machine had put the name and rank of the alleged recipient on but had failed to spot and remove the traces that remained of who it originally been awarded to (I work for an auctioneer, and one of the things I do is image items that come to us for sale – and therefore I sometimes have cause to inspect medal rims).

  3. Sebastian ‘Spotty twerp’ Payne telling people the tories are learning how to communicate social media…Like he’s some sort of authority?!

    Collectively they’re the gift that just keeps giving. 😀

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