Video: Tory Grayling squirms when asked “What DO Russians get for their donations”?

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Tory front-bencher Chris Grayling appeared on BBC Question Time last night and faced an uncomfortable challenge from an audience member – echoed and amplified by host David Dimbleby:

What do they [the Russians] get back from giving money to the Tory party?

Russian oligarchs and businessmen have given huge sums of money to the Tories.

While Theresa May and Boris Johnson have been happy to rattle sabres based on assumptions about Russian guilt in the Salisbury nerve-agent attack, they have suddenly become sticklers for the ‘rule of law’ if asked about the possibility of freezing the cash of Russian oligarchs and businessmen.

Watch Grayling squirm and answer questions that hadn’t been asked – anything rather than answer the one that had been asked:


The Tories are deeply compromised when it comes to Russia – and Russian money. They cannot be trusted.

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