Laura Pidcock shoots down MSM’s desperate Venice smear

Parts of the Establishment media (MSM) today published a non-story about Labour MP Laura Pidcock’s absence from this week’s ‘urgent question’ debate on Universal Credit in the House of Commons.

The MSM’s attempted implication was that Ms Pidcock had somehow failed in her duty as an MP and was hypocritical in being absent when Tory MPs have faced criticism for missing important votes.

Ms P has tweeted an explanation to her constituents, which appears below. However, let’s be absolutely clear: Ms Pidcock has nothing to answer for.

The Universal Credit vote was last week. Laura Pidcock was present for that vote – unlike some Tories. She also made a number of contributions to the debate, which can be viewed here.

This week’s debate was just that – a debate. No vote was taken. And it was an ‘urgent question’ – the clue is in the name. Labour’s Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary, Debbie Abrahams, was not even granted the debate until after Ms Pidcock was already in Venice.

With the full permission of Labour’s ‘whips’ – and let’s not forget, David Gauke, the Work and Pensions Secretary responsible for the whole UC issue failed to turn up to this week’s debate and didn’t vote in last week’s or appear before the House after losing the vote, as he should have.

This desperate smear on Laura Pidcock has nothing to do with her absence on a well-earned birthday treat arranged before she was even an MP. It has everything to do with the fact that the Tory Establishment is:

  1. Well behind in the polls
  2. Floundering on Brexit
  3. Being exposed in their lies on the NHS and their damage to our vulnerable people
  4. Afraid of Laura Pidcock’s popularity and her unwillingness to ‘join the club’ of cost Westminster politics
  5. Intellectually bankrupt and devoid of ideas or policies to arrest their chaotic plunge, except for more smears and outright lies
  6. Desperate to distract from 1-5 and to somehow, anyhow, neutralise the threat that Corbyn’s Labour and fearless MPs like Laura Pidcock pose

All of which are perfectly transparent to anyone paying attention. But kudos anyway to Ms Pidcock for putting her response on record for the sake of her constituents. Here it is:

The Establishment is finding that its smears are losing their effectiveness – they don’t stick like they used to. But it’s their reflex, so they just do more.

The MSM has spent so long scraping the bottom of the barrel, they’ve long been scrabbling in the cesspit underneath. But whenever you think they’ve hit bottom, they always find a new low.

In the process, they tell the world a lot more about themselves and their desperation – and the public is catching on.

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