Watson forlorn at #PMQs while Dugher snaps under pressure

Tom Watson cut a forlorn figure at PMQs today. His body language was subdued and his facial expressions spoke volumes:

After a week or so in which:

it’s no surprise if Watson felt exposed and ill at ease. He looks like a man who senses his days are numbered and it’s to be hoped that Ms Thornberry – who wasn’t on the front bench today – was busy crystallising her challenge.

It’s not only Watson who appears to be feeling the strain. His ‘mini-me’, Michael Dugher, also failed to maintain his composure under even the modest pressure of a tweeted challenge from the SKWAWKBOX about his recent columns in right-wing rags The Sun and the Daily Mail.

It appears the wheels are in danger of coming off the Watson wagon which, given his abysmal failure as Labour’s deputy leader, can only be good news for the vast majority.

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