The SKWAWKBOX is owned and run by Steve Walker.

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The SKWAWKBOX is written to try to present information and analysis that will rarely make it into the mainstream media because it doesn’t fit their agenda and the narrative they want to present.

SKWAWKBOX keeps its readers informed and on the right side of the issues

Sometimes, the media do catch up later. This blog has broken some major stories over the years that the media has caught onto eventually. The common thread is that the SKWAWKBOX revealed them first. People with evidence contact SKWAWKBOX because they know their identities will be protected and their stories presented fairly. If you have something you want to talk about, get in touch.

SKWAWKBOX is regulated by IMPRESS, the UK’s only Leveson-compliant, independent regulator and has received a renewed 100/100 award from news reliability service Newsguard.

The SKWAWKBOX isn’t written for popularity but to get the word out on essential issues, which is just as well, as the subjects covered are always going to upset some people, but they’re too important to ignore.

Hopefully, you’ll agree as you read it.

The SKWAWKBOX is offered free of charge, but takes a lot of time, and sometimes cost, to research and write, so if you feel able to support its work please  click here to arrange a one-off or modest monthly donation via PayPal or here to set up a monthly donation via GoCardless (SKWAWKBOX will contact you to confirm the GoCardless amount you want to put in).

George Orwell said that in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. The blog hopes to provide some revolutionary truth to counteract the double-speak that politicians and ‘leaders’ use to try to fool people, to get us to acquiesce or co-operate in things we would reject if we knew what they really meant. The best antidote for bad or deliberately misleading information is good information – so if you think what you read here is good information, please spread the word.

Articles created by Steve Walker are tagged “by SKWAWKBOX (SW)”. Articles by other authors or guest authors are tagged individually.

Note: SKWAWKBOX does not undertake to moderate comments, which are subject to WordPress moderation policies and processes, and takes no responsibility for their content.

Thank you for visiting and reading!

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We are also regulated by IMPRESS, but initial complaints should be made to The SKWAWKBOX in writing at the following email address: 


The SKWAWKBOX’s complaints policy documents and forms can be downloaded via the links below:


Your complaint will be acknowledged by e-mail or in writing within 7 calendar days and a final decision response to your compliant will normally be provided within 21 calendar days.   If your complaint is upheld, you will be informed of the remedial actions taken.

If you are not satisfied with the final response to your complaint, or if you do not receive a decision within 21 calendar days of submitting your complaint, then you can refer your complaint to Independent regulator IMPRESS at the following address:


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