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Labour trumpets endorsement by ‘leader’ who boasted of part in Truss disaster economics

40yr-Tory’s praise not the compliment Labour thinks it is…

Labour has put out a video trumpeting an endorsement by ‘former business champion and Cicero chair’ Iain Anderson for the austerity policies – disguised as the risible ‘fiscal discipline’ – of Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves.

But – as with almost everything the red Tory regime tries – it’s already backfired massively, with Twitter user ‘jrc1921‘ pointing out that in 2022 Anderson boasted of his ‘almost 4 decades’ of being a Tory and his part in the ‘economic reform’ of then-soon-to-be Tory PM Liz Truss. Truss went on to have the shortest tenure ever as British prime minister – just forty-five days – and was ousted by the Tories for crashing the pound to its lowest-ever rate against the dollar, doing colossal harm to the UK economy and being the most useless and unpopular PM ever.

Starmer and co are clowns – except clowns are trying to be funny and don’t usually support genocide or help build a police state.

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  1. Killer Clowns, creepy as
    None of these people actually have a scientific basis for their far right economics, that’s because it’s all about daylight robbery of the electorate and snouts in troughs
    Trickle down economics and the latest white elephant, never ending War Pigs and Mandemics
    Theirs no pretence any more in even paying lip service to democracy, the Aristocracy has gone Global

  2. A LP regime committing to doubling down on preserving a financialised and de-industiralised economy based on pure rentierism is beyond stupid.

    As Richard Murphy – who represents merely one example among much available grown up analysis dismissed from the discourse of The Official Narrative by children like Herr Starmer and Reeves – points out….

    ……”Having spent 40 years of my life as a chartered accountant, I can find nothing that Labour has to say that will actually solve the simple problem that the UK has, which is how to match up the more than £8 trillion of financial worth which people in the UK as a whole have with the simple and straightforward need that exists for investment in hospitals, schools, social housing, transport, new energy systems, and other climate-related changes.

    Doing that is the one, and I suggest the only, goal that Labour should have for financial services in this country.

    That is because if Labour could release those funds for that purpose (and I have suggested ways in which that is possible), then Labour could be a force for good, as would be the financial services industry.

    The problem for Labour is that they cannot even specify the issues that they face in such straightforward ways.

    The reasons for that are easy enough to spot.

    They are not solution focused. You can’t be when your big obsessions are spending nothing and maintaining the status quo, which they assured business was their goal yesterday.

    They are instead in tinkering mode, where a veneer of action is what they will, at most, adopt so long as nothing they do might in any way suggest that they will spend.

    If you set out to do nothing you will achieve less than that, which is going to be Labour’s fate, whilst failing us all on the way.”


    And the situation is actually worse than Murphy describes.

    What this LP regime is offering is a continuation of the return to serfdom. You cannot even fit the criteria necessary to class the economy as Capitalist based on these policies.

    Right now everyone from this kindergarden Feudal Class is jumping up and down trying to convince us that ‘The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!’

    One has to ask why? And why they need to bother themselves with a deindustrialised wet little island in the North Atlantic that is rapidly turning into a real life version of the fictional Kingdom of Lilliput. We don’t manufacture anything of value because everything and every aspect of economic, social and political life has been financialised.

    We do not have an economy and economic policies capable of producing what even Adam Smith would recognise as real value never mind the capacity to last more than two days against a troop of Girl* Guides . Even Yemen are running rings around us.

    Continuation of this nonsense will collapse the economy and the Country. The Russians or anyone else for that matter do not need to do anything other than watch the self-identifying ‘elites’ of the UK and the rest of the minority of the planet known as the Collective West continue to destroy their own economies and society in the same way they have destroyed their culture.

    We have nothing they want never mind need.

    *not that you are allowed to use words like that anymore.

  3. Austerity-on-Steroids sold as ‘fiscal-discipline’. Will people – voters – buy it?

    In the “embedded” MSM press Labour’s adoption of Fiscal Discipline will, as Skwawky is reporting, be celebrated and praised. An MSM narrative will seem to develop (it was actually written years ago) which marvels at the “forensic brain” and insight of the great man who saved Labour and the country by suspending vicious Jew-haters, Trotskyists and misc ‘looney-left’ sociopaths from his weak and declining party.

    This great man – who will become Labour’s seventh prime minister and the Kingdom’s 62nd (see wiki*) – will have a new bank holiday created and named after himself – The Sir Keir Rodney Starmer Bestest Bank Holiday Ever.

    Will voters “buy it”? Depends whether they use BBC/SKY/MSM as their primary news-source or not. Most do!

    POINT IS: Any ‘Independent’ that wants to win a seat in parliament has their work cut out. FPTP and MSM make it near-impossible. Let’s see.

  4. Betrayal update:

    No increase in rate of Corporation Tax under a Labour government and the possibility of it being cut (yesterday)

    £28 billion a year on green investment on its way out according to today’s Guardian.

  5. Looks like we’re going to be stuck with Stammer and co after the next election.

    1. Assuming we have an election and not some cobbled together war time ‘Government of National Unity’.

    2. Too true, CM, we’re gona be “stuck with Stammer and co after the next election”..
      tPtB have lined him up to be the next psychopath that waltzes into Downing Street, but the Morning Star’s wonders if the Labour Movement “is prepared to follow the leadership of the Labour Party over the cliff. Workers demand better, and their organisations should shed any illusions that Starmer’s Labour is any longer making a pretence of listening.”

      Me too – but not hopeful..

    1. Is it any wonder when the Davos twins are being funded by banks and other financial entities!

      Bankers and City-linked firms have handed Labour the equivalent of £2m since the party launched its charm offensive on big business in 2022, openDemocracy analysis of Electoral Commission data shows.

      The party’s shift toward an increasingly pro-business policy platform over the last two years has coincided with a huge influx of money from international banks, professional services firms, consultancies and financiers, with campaigners suggesting this financial relationship could explain why Labour’s policies “read like a love letter to the City”.

      Hundreds of corporate executives gathered in London today for Labour’s business conference, where the party unveiled its approach to financial services and the City of London.

      HSBC was a main sponsor of the event and the bank’s CEO of innovation banking[my bold — sounds ominous, whatever it is?] Erin Platts was brought on stage to introduce shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves…

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