
Video: Labour abstains – explicitly to help govt pass anti-protest laws

‘Fatal motion’ in Lords to undo Conservatives’ assault on UK human rights falls because Starmer’s Labour wants to enable government in another red-Tory disgrace

Labour has explicitly supported the Tories’ assault on the human and civil rights of ordinary people, in one of the most disgraceful and egregious acts in a long and appalling trail of scandal and betrayal.

A ‘fatal motion’ put forward by LibDem peers last night sought to kill off the government’s anti-protest legislation that threatens protesters with unlimited fines and even imprisonment for ‘inconvenient’ protest or even being too noisy – but Starmer’s Home Office spokesman in the Lords, Vernon Coaker, told peers that Labour was abstaining on the bill and put on record that Labour wants to support the Tories’ draconian laws:

Coaker’s excuse that killing the motion would not be ‘respecting convention’ or ‘tradition’ is the purest bull. ‘Fatal motions’ are not used often, but are a perfectly constitutional way for Parliament to end destructive legislation – and the smokescreen did nothing to disguise Starmer’s police-state mentality, determination to serve power and privilege at the expense of ordinary people, or his addiction to cowardly abstentionism in the hope he can dodge accountability for his decisions.

The people are without a parliamentary opposition – and the gang that calls itself ‘His majesty’s opposition’ will be even worse if it gets into government.

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