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Exclusive: Welby refutes Jewish Chronicle’s claim of ‘revulsion’ toward Corbyn

Archishop of Canterbury’s office says he did no such thing

The office of Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has stated emphatically that Welsby did not express ‘revulsion’ for Jeremy Corbyn at a recent event, refuting the lurid claim of right-wing, frequently-libellous anti-Corbyn rag The Jewish Chronicle.

In response to an enquiry from a member of the public, the Archbishop’s team responded:

Thank you for your question. The headline in the Jewish Chronicle is very misleading. At no point did Archbishop Justin express ‘revulsion’ for Jeremy Corbyn.

The response from Welby’s office

Instead, Welby discussed his decision to side with Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis when Mirvis claimed during the 2019 general election campaign that Jews were justified in fearing the prospect of a Labour government – and gave away that he made the decision based on his ‘immediate’ reaction without real consideration of whether the claim was accurate:

I said immediately I will support [Mirvis].

Credit to Welby and his team for putting the record straight on yet another Chronicle smear now – but his pavlovian decision to reinforce in the ‘Labour antisemitism’ scam without investigating the reality, especially during a general election campaign, played a role in condemning the country to years of Tory cruelty, cuts and social murder – including the deliberate infection of elderly care home residents that killed tens of thousands – was shameful and devastatingly damaging for this country.

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