Video: Shadow EdSec Phillipson: real change isn’t a priority for a Labour government

Bridget Phillipson is a perfect fit for Keir Starmer’s front bench

Shadow Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson has provided yet another confirmation of the political and moral vacuum Keir Starmer’s ‘Labour’ represents.

Phillipson told the BBC that ‘structural change’ should not be a priority for a Labour government:

In other words, Labour has no interest in undoing the pillaging of public services and the mass theft of public resources perpetrated during 13 years of Tory government that are inflicting such misery and hardship while fattening the already-fat cats of the so-called ‘elite’.

No, just more piddling around the edges of the massive issues – like Phillipson’s horrendous front-bench colleague, Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves, who while cosying up to Tories and corporates can’t think of anything better to promise the struggling millions than to freeze the criminal gouging of fuel bills at the horrific level they’re now at. Phillipson is a perfect fit on Starmer’s front bench.

Democracy is dead when the two main parties are clones of each other.

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