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Video: Starmer says prefers billionaires’ Davos to Westminster, Piers Morgan to Corbyn

Starmer dislikes ‘constraint’ of Parliament and prefers speaking to people, while he likes obnoxious and anti-feminist hack Piers Morgan more than former party leader with whom he laughed and joked, then sabotaged. Does he actually listen to himself?

Keir Starmer trying to ‘talk to’engage with people’ not in Davos

Keir Starmer has told journalists that he likes Davos – the luxury playground get-together of billionaires, corporations and politicians – better than Westminster, where he’s supposedly elected to serve. Apparently this is because at the posh ski resort, you can – all protected by state of the art HEPA air filters that the UK denied to schoolchildren during Covid – ‘engage with people’, something Starmer apparently likes as long as they’re wealthy and powerful and not ordinary working class people.

Starmer went on to say he prefers right-winger Piers Morgan better than Jeremy Corbyn, the former Labour leader with whom Starmer used to put on a show of friendliness before stabbing him in the back. Morgan has been accused of overseeing phone hacking while at the Daily Mirror, for which the paper paid out large damages, and dismissed an anti-Trump women’s march as ‘rabid feminists’. Starmer, of course, infamously dismissed the Black Lives Matter movement as ‘a moment’.

No surprises there, but does Keir Starmer actually listen to himself?

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  1. Confirms what we here have known and been saying for 3 years. No surprises from Keith. And there’d be no surprises if he, God forbid, got into Number 10 … Tory all the way.

      1. Two Cheeks
        Your man preferred Boris
        Red Tories in wrong party
        Therefore off you must all fuck

      2. Doug – What about all those pretend lefty f’wits who deserted Corbyn to vote for Boris’s ‘get Brexit done’ nonsense. Were you one of them?

      3. Two Cheeks
        You mean the fuckwits betrayed by your man, who he now has to pretend to support
        Bring back control to your lives
        Do Brexit better
        We are the nice Tories
        Your poll lead is built on Tory disaffection
        My advice, form a new Cheap and Nasty party with One Nation Tories and Lib Dums

      4. Doug – I see you’re still feeling the need to prop up your nonsense with childish insults. Grow up.
        Thanks for the advice but we don’t need to form a new party Labour is well ahead in the polls.
        It must be frustrating for you that Jeremy is still prevaricating (as always) on whether he is going to even stand at the next general election.

      5. What about all those pretend lefty f’wits who deserted Corbyn to vote for Boris’s ‘get Brexit done’ nonsense. Were you one of them?

        Weren’t you one of them voted for the gawp who was all-out to stop brexit, implementing or calling for six tests – ALL of which where ridiculed by BOTH sides’ as unworkable – who then dropped the idea like a molten brick once he’d blagged his way to the labour leadership, and NOW says he’s gonna make brexit work

        Yes. Yes, you were.

      6. Toffee – It may have escaped your notice but we left the EU several months before Keir Starmer was elected as the leader of the Labour Party. The UK officially left the EU on 01/02/2020

      7. ” What about all those pretend lefty f’wits who deserted Corbyn to vote for Boris’s ‘get Brexit done’ nonsense. Were you one of them?”

        No, that’d be the likes of Starmer, Campbell, Cooper and Reeves.

  2. Trilateral Commission best buds!! Expect no less of the ‘honourable gentleman’ !!!!

  3. And I hear the prices for attending Davos are pretty steep. How much further into the red has Starmer sunk the Labour party with this little jolly and how many flunkies did he take with him?

  4. I would describe myself as an anti-feminist; anti-BLM; white working class Socialist. How much do have in common with Skwawky?

    1. It resonates with some of us. Sylvia and Kier wouldn’t sit in the same room as half of this lot but that’s why we like Skwawky.

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