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National Guard ordered into Brasilia to quell Bolsonaran right-wing extremists

Fascist attack on Brazilian Congress, and its financiers, will be punished says new left president Lula da Silva

New left-wing Brazilian president Lula da Silva has ordered the National Guard into the country’s capital to quell riots and attacks by fascist supporters of defeated former president Jair Bolsonaro.

da Silva, who was only sworn in as president last week after defeating Bolsonaro despite right-wing attempts to rig the ballot and intimidate voters, has promised that the ‘vandals and fascists’ and those financing them will be punished. He also condemned parts of the security apparatus for apparently facilitating the fascists’ attacks on Brazil’s Congress and Supreme Court, saying:

You will see in the images that [police officers] are guiding people on the walk to Praca dos Tres Powers. “We are going to find out who are the financiers of these vandals who went to Brasilia and they will all pay with the force of law.

Bolsonaro reportedly fled the country rather than participate in Lula’s inauguration, where tradition would have seen him forced to hand over the presidential sash in person. The scenes were reminiscent of the attack on the US Capitol by Trump supporters after Trump lost to Joe Biden.

Biden has condemned the Brasilia attacks as ‘outrageous’. UK Labour leader Keir Starmer’s social media have so far been silent on the matter. Lula is a close ally of former party leader Jeremy Corbyn, whose abiding popularity despite a smear war saw Starmer break Labour’s rules and the EHRC’s ban on political interference in disciplinary cases to remove the Labour whip and put Corbyn outside the parliamentary party.

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