Analysis Breaking

‘Criminal’ data leak in Camberwell and Peckham favouring right-winger ignored by party

Repeated requests for party to investigate and intervene have fallen on what are now the usual deaf ears, despite party’s own horrendous data protection record

Labour’s selection process for its next parliamentary candidate in the London seat of Camberwell and Peckham has caused uproar because of the exclusion of local Black councillor Maurice Mcleod, which triggered the resignation yesterday of key members of the selection committee in protest at the regime’s rigging and interference.

But the party’s tampering in the process also appears to extend to what has been termed a ‘criminal’ data breach, with members’ information in the hands of a favoured right-wing prospect – and the party ignoring repeated requests from the selection committee to investigate and intervene.

Thr departing officers explained in their resignation statement:

In the middle of October a data breach involving one of the long listed candidates took place, which may have resulted in that candidate having accessed mem­bers’ contact information in breach of the code of con­duct in the parliamentary selection procedures. We have reported it to the NEC rep, the Regional Officer, the Labour Party’s Data Controller and Data Protection Officer. Nothing has happened and no sanction has been imposed, calling into question both the integrity of the process and the suitability of the candidate.

Journalist Michael Crick noted, correctly, that the breach should be a criminal matter. This is particularly the case in view of the fact that the party caused two massive data hacks by outsourcing it’s data handling under the Starmer-Evans regime.

And the party’s lack of action is likewise part of a pattern, with complaints of rigging, voter fraud and impersonation, bullying and intimidation in several high profile selections, admitted by the party’s national management in at least one case but dismissed as irrelevant while the party installs favoured right-wingers under allegation of serious sexual assault or hate speech.

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  1. Anyone with, even, a tenuous liking for democracy, would do well to steer clear of this present iteration of The Labour Party.

    Each fresh decision coming out of Southside, shows there is no understanding of democracy, let alone Democratic Socialism.

    Their understanding is not, even, tenuous, it’s non-existent. Who do they expect to vote for this?

    Look elsewhere – and good luck.

  2. All the ammo sunak needs to fire back at keef next time he’s quizzed about braverman or truss…

    1. Reply to bedroc56
      Margaret Hodge is the current MP for Barking and Dagenham. She spent a lot of time accusing others of antisemitism while trivialising the Holocaust herself by comparing her feelings of being investigated by the Labour party to those of a Jew in Nazi Germany with totally disgraceful emotive references to suitcases etc thrown in .
      I suppose the good people of the constituency were hoping that once Margaret decided it was time to move on to the House of Lords gravy train- which I have no doubt whatsoever that she will- they might get a better MP which given Margaret’s track record shouldn’t be hard. Instead the favourite is Dean Rodwell .He is clearly a nasty piece of racist work and will no doubt fit in well with the PLP .I pity the electorate in Barking and Dagenham.

      1. There’s no reason to suppose they wouldn’t continue, or even double-down on their criminal behaviour once in No 10. Given Starmer’s close links to the security services and the ominous Omerta in even the right wing media on the subject of AJ’s Labour Files, there is every reason to fear a Starmer government.

  3. Meanwhile, keep your eye on Brazil.
    They are about one third of the way through the count.

    1. Important to note: when vote count starts, Bolsonaro is likely to lead for a long time because pro-Bolsonaro regions (Brasilia & south) tend to be tallied first. Results from more pro-Lula northeast tends to come later. So it will be a loooong, stressful evening for progressives
      — Tom Phillips (@tomphillipsin) October 30, 2022

    2. Lula is already ahead and there is still more than 20% of the votes to be counted.

  4. I hope the data breach, and Starmer’s corrupt Labour Party, has been reported to the Information Commissioner who should investigate and take action.

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