Video: police brutalise boy as he accidentally rollerblades down same street as king’s motorcade

‘Help me, someone!’ – lad’s pleas can be heard as he tries to explain street was open

The UK’s descent into a police state continued tonight as an apparently teenage boy was brutally taken down by police after accidentally rollerblading into the street where King Charles’s cortege was about to pass. The completely unthreatening lad’s pleas for help and attempts to explain can be clearly heard in the disturbing Boca Media footage:

The Metropolitan police are supposedly in ‘special measures’ because of the out-of-control behaviour of officers in a string of uses of excessive force and even murder convictions. They seem to have learned nothing and nothing has been done to restrain them. They boy hobbles off holding a potentially broken arm and having sustained a potential head injury – and worse could easily have happened:

After a string of arrests last week for simply expressing an anti-monarchist opinion, the use of such lengthy brutality against a young lad who evidently posed no threat reflects the sickening direction of travel of a country in which the supposed opposition is just as obsequious and authoritarian as the Tory government.

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