Video: Starmer betrays poor and Labour conference to back real-terms CUT in minimum wage

Party’s sovereign body voted for increase to £15/hr minimum wage – which Starmer promised during leadership campaign. Instead, ‘opposition leader’ says he wants a real-terms cut

Keir Starmer: sticking his tongue out at the poor

Keir Starmer has again betrayed Labour’s supposedly-sovereign conference – and the struggling millions of this country – by refusing to back the £15-an-hour minimum wage demanded by unions and desperately needed by the huge numbers of working poor people in the UK.

Instead, Starmer said he wanted a £10 an hour – and claimed that was all Labour’s conference backed:

And as the ToryFibs Twitter account pointed out, that represents a real-terms cut for millions of people who were struggling long before Establishment policies created a so-called ‘cost of living crisis’ to make the burden unbearable:

Starmer’s habitual lack of opposition to anything the Tories do morphed long ago into an active contempt both for democracy and, worse still, for the plight of the masses of people, including five million children, suffering and in despair in our country.


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