Figures who left-washed Starmer now face expulsion as Labour set to proscribe 3 more groups

AWL, LLA and Socialist Labour Network to be banned retrospectively – and several who helped sell Starmer to left-wing Labour members are strongly linked to AWL, along with at least one MP

A number of figures who ‘left-washed’ Starmer, helping to hand him victory in the Labour leadership election, face expulsion from the party as Labour’s national executive votes tomorrow to proscribe three further organisations on top of the four it outlawed last July.

Alliance for Workers’ Liberty (AWL), Labour Left Alliance (LLA) and Socialist Labour Network are to be banned tomorrow – and the party will of course ignore any concept of natural justice by applying the ban retrospectively, kicking out people who had links with the groups when they were not outlawed, as they have done with Socialist Appeal, Labour against the Witchhunt, Labour in Exile Network and Resist.

Several leading ‘blue-tickers’ who backed Starmer during the leadership contest and helped him fool many left members of the party into voting for him have close ties to AWL – as does at least one former front-bench MP.

Like any good Stalinist, Keir Starmer appears to adhere to the dead Russian despot’s maxim that ‘gratitude is a disease of dogs’ – and with the Labour right gleefully trampling all over justice by applying proscription retrospectively, all of them face expulsion.

Of course, that handful of ‘useful idiots’ might get a pass – especially as AWL doesn’t publish membership lists and operates on something of a ‘don’t talk about fight club’ basis and they have so far seemed to be studiously pretending that the new proscriptions haven’t been leaked and don’t exist.

Either way, Starmer and co’s contempt for democracy, justice and Starmer’s own campaign promises is a one-way street that they only ever go further along – and the hollowed-out husk of what used to be the Labour party gets drier and more lifeless daily.

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