
Walsall magnitude 3.2 earthquake confirmed

Walsall in the West Midlands experienced a 3.2 magnitude earthquake at 10.59pm this evening, as confirmed by the geology site

Date & time: Feb 21, 2022 22:59:29 UTC – 20 minutes ago Local time at epicenter: Monday, Feb 21, 2022 at 10:59 pm (GMT +0)
Magnitude: 3.2 Depth: 3.1 km Epicenter latitude / longitude: 52.55994°N / 1.98763°W (Walsall, England, United Kingdom)
Antipode: 52.56°S / 178.012°E Nearby towns and cities: 3 km (2 mi) ENE of Wednesbury (pop: 24,300)
3 km (2 mi) S of Walsall (pop: 172,100)
5 km (3 mi) N of West Bromwich (pop: 135,600)
6 km (4 mi) ENE of Tipton (pop: 47,000)
7 km (4 mi) S of Bloxwich (pop: 40,000)
9 km (6 mi) NE of Dudley (pop: 199,100)
10 km (6 mi) ESE of Wolverhampton (pop: 252,800)
11 km (7 mi) NW of Birmingham (pop: 984,300)
12 km (7 mi) W of Sutton Coldfield (pop: 107,000)

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  1. Must have been Dave Nellest Zooming in on former .Dromeys and Twatsons feifdom of the West Midlands Labour party bunker.We need an earthquake in the Labour party but it’s more likely a landslide of support for TUSC and Dave Nellest the experienced defender of the working-class in parliament and hopfuly as Dave Nellest mp back were he the next member for erdington …A fitting tribute to Dromeys Labour party.shambles in the West midlands…..and of course all made possible by the knight of the realm.

    1. It could have been a result of everyone dancing as a result of Forest Green Rovers 0 Walsall 1.

  2. On the subject of earthquakes, anyone else noticed that Keef’s getting a bit porky?

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