More leadership lies about Corbyn as renewed smears continue. Here’s what he really said about crime

Labour’s latest smear that Corbyn cared more about criminals than victims is a blatant untruth easily exposed – yet ‘mainstream’ hacks have again parroted it without scrutiny

Justice inverted: the Labour right’s smear campaign continues

The renewed smear campaign by Labour’s right-wing regime against the party’s former leader has continued, with a claim that under Jeremy Corbyn Labour ‘cared more about criminals’ than about victims.

Leaving aside the obvious, that rehabilitating criminals makes us all safer, the claims are an outright falsehood. Labour’s 2019 manifesto was clear on the need for a strong justice system, promising to:

• end short prison sentences
• recruit and fund 5,000 more prison officers
• recruit and fund 10,000 more police officers
• recruit and fund 1,000 more border guards

Keir Starmer is desperate to pitch himself as not Jeremy Corbyn – as if that wasn’t all too lamentably obvious – and appeal to Tories. But to do so he and his allies are pushing outright fiction and rewriting history, ironically while claiming to be about integrity.

And of course, so-called ‘mainstream’ media hacks are eagerly parroting this garbage without the least scrutiny. It is the work of minutes to see what Labour’s last manifesto said on the topic of justice – but it seems that’s too much work for the supposedly professional journalists who have amplified Labour’s latest smear like every other one before it.

The UK is currently a one-party state with a choice of rosette colours and a corrupt media propping it up. And Starmer and his allies don’t have the simple nous to know that actually standing for something is popular and that the millions of people who don’t vote – and certainly now won’t vote Labour – would be far easier to win over than peeling Tory die-hards away from their addiction to monsters in government.

In such a setting, for the current Labour regime to say anything about justice is a joke, let alone to simply make things up and claim to offer integrity.

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