Starmer completes another campaign betrayal as Streeting commits to more private ‘NHS’

Starmer conned Labour members into voting for his leadership with promise to put public services in public hands, now promises more private provision

Wes Streeting, Keir Starmer’s mini-me in Labour’s health team, has announced the completion of yet another u-turn on the promises he used to persuade – many would say ‘con’ – members to vote him in as leader.

Speaking to the BBC, Starmer has committed Labour to using private firms ‘to cut NHS waiting lists’ – a common Tory excuse for more privatisation. And he included it in his top 3 items to enact if Labour gets into power:

Keir Starmer, of course, promised Labour members that he would ensure the NHS and other public services were renationalised back into public hands – and explicitly not ‘making profits for shareholders’:

Starmer had already shredded that promise when he told the BBC that he would not privatise the grossly-inefficient and expensive energy sector, of course – but in committing to NHS privatisation the Labour right has shown just how indistinguishable it is from the Tories and has betrayed Labour members and the public in one of the most fundamental and unforgivable ways.

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