Petition against Blair’s knighthood about to pass one million signatures

The petition to remove the new knighthood of former PM Tony Blair – a man many believe should be on trial in The Hague for war crimes rather than going to Buckingham Palace for an honour – is about to pass one million signatures.

As at the time of writing 990,000 people had signed – and the rate of new signatures appears to be several per second, so the petition looks set to smash through the threshold rather than creep across it.

Keir Starmer, naturally, has repeatedly backed bringing ol’ Tony into the knighthood club to which Establishment darling Starmer already belongs, so tightly is his finger on the pulse.

Sadly, as the petition isn’t on the official government petitions site the Tories are almost certain to simply ignore it rather than being forced to list it for parliamentary discussion.

Sign here, if you haven’t already.

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