Video of Stratton harrying single mother shows why grassroots have little sympathy

Former BBC journalist and now former Downing Street press spokesperson Allegra Stratton has resigned in tears from her job working for Boris Johnson after video emerged of her laughing and joking about a Downing Street party during lockdown. The media Establishment rushed to praise her.

But Stratton’s performance as a BBC employee reveals why she was a good fit in Johnson’s office, as this video posted by Twitter user @mukhtar_iam shows:

And it’s worth noting that Stratton’s distress did not prevent her using her statement to TV cameras to praise Johnson, his ‘vision’ for the country and the supposed good he has done, despite Johnson’s guilt in the deaths of around 170,000 people during the pandemic and his assaults on living standards and civil freedoms – the same Johnson whose ‘misleading’ statements (many would say lies) about donations from wealthy backers for his extravagant decorating tastes and about parties in Downing Street have been in the spotlight this week.

Many grassroots left activists feel little or no sympathy. It’s not too hard to see why.

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