Labour suspends young left candidate two hours before Chair vote – without saying why

No details given by party machine of ‘online conduct’ supposedly justifying suspension

Warwick and Leamington Labour member Lucy Clarke (image: Lucy Clarke Twitter)

A young member and former youth officer of Leamington and Warwick constituency Labour party (CLP) has been suspended by the party – just two hours before she was due to stand for election as the CLP chair, in the latest outrage against democracy by the Labour right.

Ms Clarke, a trainee union officer with the NEU and a member of Unite, was given no details of why she was suspended, beyond ‘online conduct’ with no evidence provided. She announced the move in a Twitter thread – and told readers that the suspension also prevented her performing a key role in impending by-elections in the area:

Labour under Keir Starmer and David Evans have demonstrated that they don’t care how hard members work, for free, to try to make the country a better place. But they apparently do care about ensuring left members don’t run local parties – Ms Clarke’s suspension is merely the latest in a series of displays of contempt that have seen even entire CLPs banned from meeting in order to prevent the party’s left majority electing left representatives or expressing their lack of confidence in Starmer and his sidekick.

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