Irish interviewer shreds Farage and shows UK hacks how it’s meant to be done

‘Come one, don’t try and lecture the Irish people about the precarious nature of peace on this island’ – Claire Byrne dismantles former UKIP leader for his ignorance of Irish history and his arrogance about British imperialism

Irish television interviewer Claire Byrne has given an object lesson in her craft to her British equivalents in her dismantling of Nigel Farage when the former UKIP leader started to pontificate about the British occupation of Ireland and the resistance of the Irish.

In a must-watch minute and a half, Byrne put Farage firmly in his place and shredded his position – and made him rewatch his excruciating humiliation when he was conned into using a well-known republican slogan on camera, leaving him staring speechlessly at the camera for long seconds:

If the so-called ‘mainstream’ media in this country did their job of holding the privileged to account and calling their nonsense what it is, instead of just allowing them free rein and then parroting it as if it were fact, the UK would not be the increasingly ill-informed and dangerous place it is.

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