Video: response of many Liverpool Labour officials to Starmer in S*n has failed city’s people

Mealy-mouthed talk of ‘disappointment’ or being ‘offended’ just doesnt’ cut it

Sunday saw an array of Liverpool’s elected Labour officials make their response to Keir Starmer’s betrayal of the people of Liverpool through his disgusting decision to write for the Murdoch S*n, which lied about and abused Hillsborough victims, survivors and their families for decades and has incited hate against minorities and striking workers.

With a few honourable exceptions like West Derby MP Ian Byrne, the reaction of most elected politicians in Liverpool has failed the city’s people: mealy-mouthed, timid and cautious, trying to tread a line of getting disapproval on record without really giving Starmer what his actions deserve.

MPs and others have expressed ‘offense’ or even mere ‘disappointment’, with one even inviting him to come to the city to find out why he has offended people, instead of telling him never to set foot within its bounds again – while others have said nothing at all.

It is simply not good enough:

The people of Liverpool know how to stand in solidarity against a common enemy. But many of the Labour politicians supposed to be representing them have failed them today, pussyfooting around their disgrace of a party leader instead of properly defending their city and the people who live in it.

Keir Starmer has shown his contempt for the people of Liverpool. Liverpool’s elected representatives must send it back with interest.

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