Starmer’s fury with Drakeford for speaking at TWT – ‘he’s making it harder to dismiss as a Trot-fest’

Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford is one of the speakers at the The World Transformed event in Brighton starting this weekend – and it’s driving Keir Starmer and his drones crazy.

The Labour right loves to sneer at the left’s alternative conference, but Drakeford’s involvement is a big problem for them. ‘Allies’ of Keir Starmer have told the Daily Mail that his presence makes it harder to dismiss as a ‘Trot fest’, adding:

We can’t dismiss the other conference as for crackpot Corbynites when the First Minister of a devolved nation is speaking. His presence is an unhelpful distraction.

The Labour right, sneering and Stalinist to the core, has been trying to bully Drakeford into dropping out, so far unsuccessfully.

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