A tale of two Wolverhamptons: Starmer v Corbyn

Keir Starmer has visited Wolverhampton. The contrast with Jeremy Corbyn’s visit there could hardly be starker

Keir Starmer has visited Wolverhampton, where he surprised no one by trying to appeal to Tory voters by saying that Labour will be the party of law and order, as if it has ever not been.

He walked around the city with a handful of police officers. For the photo-opp, of course – they were hardly there to hold back the crowds desperate to get close to him.

What a contrast with 2017, when Jeremy Corbyn – no police escort – visited the same city:

Corbyn was mobbed by crowds of well-wishers. They were inspired by his vision, by his politics and by his willingness to stand up to the establishment for the sake of ordinary people. Keir Starmer has nothing to offer them but platitudes, collusion with the Tories and a war on the left that they were so recently inspired by.

And in case anyone thinks, ‘that was then, this is now’, here’s Corbyn just a few days ago in Liverpool:

2017 vs 2021. Vision vs visionless. Hope vs hopeless. Leadership vs…

Seems it’s true that a picture paints a thousand words.

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