Murdoch backs Coyne with paywall-free amplification in Times – and Cameron’s sister-in-law helps in Standard

Usual paywall missing from latest smear-job in Times, while Evening Standard chips in with more coverage. The union-busting Establishment really wants right-winger running Unite

Chummy: Rupert Murdoch and David Cameron. Insert Gerard Coyne

Rupert Murdoch has given yet more backing to right-wing Unite candidate Gerard Coyne. After the S*n formally backed Coyne for the role the Murdoch Times has chipped in, this time in the form of amplification for yet another Coyne smear-job – with the usual ‘paywall’ preventing readers accessing the article without taking out a subscription, removed to provide free access for anyone.

Coyne, who has written for the paper commonly known as the ‘Scum’, has apparently learned little from his 2017 campaign, which was full of smears and ended in him being Unite suspends Coyne – ‘over data breach’ broken by SKWAWKBOX/Evolve? – SKWAWKBOX – and humiliated in a series of challenges in which a retired judge said he was guilty of the kind of misdeeds he claimed others had committed. That experience hasn’t stopped him using the same tactics this time round – and the Establishment seems keen to help.

A day before the second Murdoch freebie, the Evening Standard has also chipped in, giving meaningless coverage to Coyne’s attempt to persuade British Airways workers – who have seen Unite’s left leadership win a major victory for them against despicable ‘fire and rehire’ tactics – that the union hasn’t been there for them when needed.

Until last year, the Standard was run by former Tory chancellor George Osborne – and now it is run by the sister-in-law of Osborne’s former boss David Cameron.

Murdoch, of course, is infamous for his union-busting campaign against workers at his Wapping print plant in the 1980s. Cameron for his part waged his own war on unions with the notorious Trade Union Act 2016, which made it far harder for union members to take industrial action to protect their pay and conditions.

It seems the anti-union Establishment and those close to them are really eager to see a right-winger running the UK and Ireland’s biggest union.

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