Murdoch backs Coyne, then Phillips follows suit. No surprise there, then (video)

Right-wing Labour MP shares more than just a West Midlands base with the right-wing Unite candidate – they’re both cosy with Murdoch and have written for the S*N

Right-wing Labour MP Jess Phillips has come out for right-wing Unite candidate Gerard Coyne. Well, they’re both cosy with notorious union-buster Rupert Murdoch – and have both written for his S*n paper, which this week also backed Coyne, so it’s hardly a surprise:

And Phillips likes a laugh. At Labour election defeats, for example – or at black Labour MP Diane Abbott. Or when she’s around Tory toff Jacob Rees-Mogg, who wanted to deny abortions to rape and incest victims and was guest of honour at a group that wanted to send black and Asian Britons ‘back’ (wherever that means).

Coyne in charge of Unite would be a disaster for members of the union and for all those targeted by the right, in work or not.

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