
Graham quotes Thatcher to insist she is staying in Unite race

Comment likely to appalling large swathe of union’s membership

Unite leadership hopeful Sharon Graham has insisted she is standing in the contest, despite efforts to find a ‘unity’ candidate – and adapted a famous quote by Tory PM Margaret Thatcher to do it.

Graham told the BBC that she had no intention of dropping out of the election because

“The lady is not for standing down.”

The words are a clear echo of the infamous ‘milk snatcher’s ‘the lady is not for turning’.

It is hard to imagine using the words of a Tory who waged war – sometimes literally – on the union movement can do other than trash any left pretensions and outrage many who will be voting in this election, particularly as she is campaigning on an insular platform of withdrawing from political life to focus on ‘back to the workplace’, a phrase that already misses the key importance of the union’s political and legal influence on behalf of its members.

Ms Graham’s campaign has been contacted for comment.

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  1. We need a single left candidate to stand against Coyne, Otherwise, the left is risking losing the position of GS to Coyne. The though of it makes me sick.

    1. Graham and Turner should stand aside then. We need Howard Grahams X 3,000 to reverse the repeated stitch ups by the Red dressed entryist Tories.
      Since Graham and Turner are not up to stopping the repeated errors, they should stand aside. The only beneficiaries of more of the same, same old same old are the careerists and of course the one percent bandits. 🧮🚨🧮🚨🧮🚨

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