Exclusive: Liverpool Labour members vote no-confidence in Starmer

Vote demanding immediate resignation passed last night

Liverpool Labour members in the Wavertree constituency have become the first to vote through what many expect to be a flood of no-confidence motions in the party’s notional leader Keir Starmer in the wake of his most recent attack on the left and determination not to oppose the Tories in their dismantling of the nation’s democracy.

The motion was passed last night at a meeting of constituency party ‘CLP’ members and reads:

Liverpool Wavertree CLP believes that the election result in Hartlepool is a disaster for our party. Instead of winning back voters in key working class areas we are losing further seats to the Tories.

We believe that this is the result of the rightward turn taken under Keir Starmer’s leadership, abandoning class based policies and instead resorting to flag waving and appeals to big business.

Instead of attacking the Tories, Keir Starmer has spent more time attacking grassroots members with unjust suspensions and suppression of member’s democratic rights.

For all these reasons, Liverpool Wavertree declares that it has no confidence in Keir Starmer. We call on him to stand down immediately and for a leadership contest to be set in motion- so that the membership can elect a new leadership that will fight the Tories on the basis of a bold socialist programme.

How long before Labour’s right-wing regime tries another clampdown on free speech to protect its abysmal ‘leaders’?

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