Breaking Exclusive

Exclusive: Liverpool Labour members vote no-confidence in Starmer

Vote demanding immediate resignation passed last night

Liverpool Labour members in the Wavertree constituency have become the first to vote through what many expect to be a flood of no-confidence motions in the party’s notional leader Keir Starmer in the wake of his most recent attack on the left and determination not to oppose the Tories in their dismantling of the nation’s democracy.

The motion was passed last night at a meeting of constituency party ‘CLP’ members and reads:

Liverpool Wavertree CLP believes that the election result in Hartlepool is a disaster for our party. Instead of winning back voters in key working class areas we are losing further seats to the Tories.

We believe that this is the result of the rightward turn taken under Keir Starmer’s leadership, abandoning class based policies and instead resorting to flag waving and appeals to big business.

Instead of attacking the Tories, Keir Starmer has spent more time attacking grassroots members with unjust suspensions and suppression of member’s democratic rights.

For all these reasons, Liverpool Wavertree declares that it has no confidence in Keir Starmer. We call on him to stand down immediately and for a leadership contest to be set in motion- so that the membership can elect a new leadership that will fight the Tories on the basis of a bold socialist programme.

How long before Labour’s right-wing regime tries another clampdown on free speech to protect its abysmal ‘leaders’?

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  1. Now, I’m in bother. Where do I move to – Liverpool, Glasgow or Wales?

    There’s an awful lot of these new, New Labour people, in a quandary. They don’t know which way to turn.

    Can’t remember her name – Christine somethingorother, MP for Warrington(North), I think she is – tweeting her condemnation of Howard Beckett, for his brief tweet, last night. In effect, supporting Patel.

    Oh, yes, the same Labour MP that was handing out leaflets talking about ‘controlling Travellers’ That’s the one.

    Whose side are Labour MP’S, actually, on these days. Time they made up their minds.

      1. Apologies, BELOW should have read – “Let’s hope we hear people telling them to drop the vote to “unify with” Starmer, etc ….. to GET LOST ‼️‼️‼️

    1. Let’s hope we hear people telling them to drop the vote to “unify with” Starmer, “work for a Labour government”, “work around Starmer”, “bring the party together” etc

      = ENABLE those who boast openly of “WAKING UP EVERY DAY thinking of NEW WAYS to UNDERMINE” a true Labour win.

      = ENABLE those who boast openly to be “WORKING NIGHT and DAY to undermine” TRUE Labour manifesto.


      1. Ps Labour under Starmer has LOST a further THREE points. Mandelson & Blair controlled Starmer now puts the party FIFTEEN POINTS behind possibly the most corrupt sleazy government for forty years.

        The public conclude correctly why go through the fuss of changing the deck chairs or give the B-Side pigs the trough. Obviously they will be more ravenous eg the early o’clock corruption of Bliar and the cigarette millionaire and Caplin property deals, Derypraska yacht etc etc etc

        Not worth your vote or mine. MAKE THEM LOSE. They will lose and go through the revolving door. Start preparing now to find candidates to take their place then we slam the revolving door shut‼️‼️‼️

        ps NO MORE APPEASERS. They make our struggle MUCH harder than it need be. They have been a KEY part of the problem.

      2. Mandelson & Blair controlled Starmer now puts the party FIFTEEN POINTS behind possibly the most corrupt sleazy government for forty years.

        For ‘forty years’?.

        This lot are THE mst corrupt shower of shite in history. They’re getting away with things thatcher and her lit used to flick themselves off about, but never dared attempt.

        …That stammer’s labour party are further behind shows just how bollocksed this nation is.

      3. I trust your longer history / experience Toffee. Was about to say possibly for the last six hundred years, or even since 1945, but thought best for me to stick to a shorter period. But i trust your judgement on that.

        As u know, i’ve tried to highlight SERCO, G4S, Ranox, Carillon. A pretty singular effort here on Those who have EASY access to the MSM have remained almost totally silent in the mainstream INCLUDING Starmer, Mandelson, Straw, Hodge, McDonnell. Now add and Gupta Greensil & David Cameron.

        FULL PRAISE for Siobhan for her on point questions to Cameron yesterday. Siobhan was exemplary re: EFFECTIVE use of her time with her on point perceptive questioning and her refusal to allow Cameron to waste time with bluster.

        WELL DONE Siobhan !!! Plus taking the necessary time to appear later to reiterate your points.

        I hope u r TRUE Labour. P.S. not once did i struggle to hear you clearly. Not once did u come across as that dreadful Thornberry who is always keen to have some cosy love in with the interviewer. Do the opposite of Thornberry and you will remain a credit to the party rather than a political bubble clique

    2. Got it in one George! That is the type we’re being told to “work around”, “unite with”, “unify with”, “come together with” for a “¿LABOUR? government❓

      EVERY SINGLE person who even hints such shameful tosh are a KEY part of our problem.

  2. Prepare for a tsunami of b********ks about Becket’s ‘racist and sexist ‘ tweet about Patel. Now Unite is being leant on to deal with him. Surprise, surprise.

    1. Sorry. Carlene Edmonds, but the Left sometimes has to simply own up to those moments when ‘one of their own’ drops a metaphorical bollock. Beckett, as a long-time career lawyer should be very well used to the careful use of language. Instead he suggests (yes, ye,s I know only intended as an off the cuff wry social media comment) that the London-born, Ugandan-Indian, heritage, Priti Patel MP, should ‘be deported’, rather than the two unfortunate immigrants the local citizenry in Glasgow so heart-warmingly defended from the deportation squad . Priti Patel is indeed a ghastly Right Wing, racism-stirring, Tory , of course she is – but is it really believable that Beckett would have spouted the “deport her”, jibe if the Home Secretary had been a white anglo saxon heritage MP ? He might have done, but unfortunately by using this ‘joke’ about Patel, Beckett has , through extraordinary carelessness in a tweet, played into the old racist meme that , ‘no matter if you were born here (as Patel was, in 1972) , no matter how long you live here, there is always some other ‘real mother country’ you can be deported to’. So Beckett has stupidly landed himself open to much forthcoming abuse by sheer carelessness – (or of course some kneejerk dodgy subconscious ideas in his head which , in the spur of the moment, robbed him of the ability to see how toxic his joking comment actually was.)

      Unfortunately Beckett’s stupid slip will swamp the real news of the heroism of the neighbours of the two immigrants in Glasgow, temporarily freed from deportaton – (but only temporarily so far) – and the ongoing gross racism of Priti Patel’s, and all Tory Home Secretary’s immigration policies , incuding May’s ‘hostile environment’ policy – which Patel continues.

      Lefties have to be a lot smarter about what they post – especially prominent ones currently standing as Leader of UNITE ! . Claiming there is no problem with Beckett’s faux pas, is all too familiar on the Left . A mature Left should be able to ‘own’ its mistakes, apologize , and try not to be so careless again – not enter a childish denial hissy fit. Beckett himself has owned up to his error of judgement , so his supporters should too.

      1. I agree he was was clumsy, can’t vouch for how well he would keep to his word if elected, he still seems the only candidate willing to offer opposition to starmer. Would he have tweeted the same of Thereasa May? Why not? He might have been ponting to the Irony of Patel being from a simillr imigrant backgroung pulling ul the ladder on others.
        The Torys and red Torys get away with far worse.

      2. Lots of people called for Theresa May to be deported when she was HS. There’s even big graffiti doing it

      3. So it’s OK to say “Deport Theresa May” (Home Sec at the time), but not “Deport Priti Patel” (current Home Sec)?

        To quote someone or other: “Political correctness gone mad!”

      4. Actually, a case could be made that EVERYONE of Saxon heritage should be deported from the UK, given that they not only arrived as undocumented aliens but, as someone in a later century would put if “they brought crime, they were rapists, and some, I assume, were good people”.

  3. He might have been ponting to the Irony of Patel being from a simillr imigrant backgroung pulling ul the ladder on others.

    That’s the way I viewed it.

    1. Yup, sorry about all those typos above. Struggling on this machine.

      1. The irony being, JP, that the people taking Beckett’s comments as overtly racist must have had those exact thoughts about Patel (or other first/second/third generation immigrants) in their heads to reach their mistaken conclusion – no matter how much they try to suppress them, they have thought it themselves.

        These types give themselves away too easily by shrieking loudest and longest; quite probably as a subconscious self-denial of their own prejudices.

        And we’re all too aware of a certain section of society that likes to portray themselves as the victims of (a form of) racism by doing exactly as I have described, but visiting their own prejudices on others.

        As for your ‘Send patel to a UK prison’ suggestion…

        I agree. But which prison? Perhaps we should build one on St Helena… Or would that be classed as a ‘deportation’??

    2. Yup, The Toffee, I’m sure that WAS the over-casual ‘reasoning’ behind Beckett’s unfortunate ‘joking comment’. Unfortunately a very basic knowledge of International Law on deportation (which surely, lawyer, Beckett should have) makes the comment a direct ‘feed in’ to those old toxic racist ‘they don’t belong here’ memes. To explain this further : to be chucked out of a country of which one is a citizen, or just a non-citizen resident, ie, ‘deported ‘ , the deporting government has to have a appropriate ‘host nation’ to send the deportee to. A ‘host nation can only be one that is willing to accept the deportee , and that is usually on the basis that the deportee has some sort of dual nationality status, or indeed is a full citizen, with a potential host country. Priti Patel herself is the child of Indian/Ugandans (dual Ugandan/British passport holders) forcibly deported en masse by the murderous dictator, Idi Amin, in the 1960’s . Priti Patel has no viable alternative host country to be deported to . Neither do almost any White British Tory MPs , certainly not Theresa May. Though until recently Boris Johnson held joint US/ UK citizenship, and was born in the USA ! So Boris COULD have been deported to the USA. The ‘jibe’ of Beckett really only has ‘traction’ if it subliminally feeds on the idea that Patel could indeed be ‘deported’ somewhere else. She can’t be – she is a UK citizen, just like me or most of you. In a better UK society Patel should of course be locked up forever as a racist rabble-rouser , and a member of the Tory Party, – but that should be in a UK prison , not ‘deported’,.

      Why does this matter ? Is this just nitpicking ? It matters for Left dialogue, because an important racist meme is that non British White ethnic people living here, even if born here, are somehow ‘still really foreign visitors who could ‘go back home’ . The unfortunate ‘joke/jibe’ of Beckett plays directly into this old racist meme – no doubt unintentionally – but Beckett IS a lawyer , and should judge his ‘jokes’ better.

      I’m sure my posts on this are seen as all too po faced and technical for Lefties wanting to simply excuse away Beckett’s stupid comment – and blame it on the MSM. But words do matter, especially words that , intentionally or not, feed into old racist memes or tropes. But then the Left generally has never been able to grasp this in relation to its over-casual usage of the term ‘zionism’, so I don’t expect any better comprehension on Beckett’s current faux pas here on this issue on Skwawkbox either.

      1. Dearie, dearie, me, Your odious ‘reply’ to my post , The Toffee , reeks : ie, your main apparent ‘point’ being :

        “The irony being, JP, that the people taking Beckett’s comments as overtly racist must have had those exact thoughts about Patel (or other first/second/third generation immigrants) in their heads to reach their mistaken conclusion – no matter how much they try to suppress them, they have thought it themselves.

        These types give themselves away too easily by shrieking loudest and longest; quite probably as a subconscious self-denial of their own prejudices.

        And we’re all too aware of a certain section of society that likes to portray themselves as the victims of (a form of) racism by doing exactly as I have described, but visiting their own prejudices on others.”

        is pure logic-mangling , blame-shifting, sophistry, Toffee. You should be ashamed of yourself. Understanding how Becketts unfortunate, off the cuff, comment clearly feeds into a very old racist meme – ie, that non-white UK citizens always have some ‘other homeland’ that they can be deported to . I have just spent some time in my previous post explaining how this is both untrue , certainly in UK-born Priti Patel’s case, and a lawyer like Beckett should know that his comment is suggesting something contrary to International law on deportations , and that it feeds into the old ‘non white people aren’t really from around here, even if they were born here ‘ meme.

        You just keep on making excuses for Beckett’s original gaff though , Toffee, and accusing those who do grasp the , almost certainly accidental, mistake of Beckett in feeding into a racist meme with his bad ‘joke’ jibe , of ‘racism’ FFS. Tragic that you have stooped so low , Toffee. To his credit, Beckett himself HAS shown some balls, and rightly accepted his mistake , and apologized. What is your excuse for then gaslighting those who correctly, with Beckett, understand the unfortunate , no doubt accidental, racist undertone , of his off the cuff , jokey, comment. ?

      2. Far be it from me to ASSUME Beckett is so ‘uneducated’ that he wouldn’t have known, or doesn’t/didn’t Patel is a British citizen and therefore couldn’t be deported… But still, you do go on.

        And of course, patel herself doesn’t/didnt adhere to a racist policy of deporting UK citizens, oh no. She’s not educated enough to appreciate the scandal of windrush.

        I’m certain Beckett was unawares if that small but important fact, too, eh?

        Being fronted with her own prejudices, it seems, is now racist simply because of the skin colour/ethnicity of the one calling her out.

        I make NO excuses for Beckett’s outburst, but I’m not so far up myself to actually believe there was a shred of any racist intent whatsoever; and certainly nothing there of the manner to which you obviously have gone to great lengths to interpret.

        Whether you like it or not, there isn’t a soul on the planet free from prejudice. That includes you and me both.

        I find no racist element in Beckett’s tweet in the exact same way I find no antisemitism from Corbyn, Williamson, et al. And I care less about those who will go out of their way to over-elaborate in order to do so, and those same people who cry foul when pulled on their own supposition and conjecture .

        As I have already said, it was a bloody stupid thing to have done – for precisely the reasons I have outlined. It gives the pseudo-intelligentsia the ammunition to fire at him using the exact same modus you have employed.

        On this matter, please stop talking as though your shit doesn’t stink, and kindly refrain from misrepresenting/ second guess me

  4. This from Labour against the witch hunt –

    🚩 Solidarity with Howard Beckett! Statement and model motion 🚩
    Labour Against the Witchhunt


    Dear comrade

    Yesterday’s suspension of Howard Beckett from the Labour Party shows that the witch-hunt against the left is still in full swing. Please find below a model motion and joint statement produced by Labour Against the Witchhunt, Labour Left Alliance and Labour in Exile Network. To add your organisation’s name, please email

    We are also pleased to announce that we have joined forces with the Labour In Exile Network and the Labour Left Alliance to present ‘Not the Forde Enquiry’. With the enquiry into the ‘leaked report’ apparently shelved, we want to examine its content and invite witnesses and hear about submissions. After all, it encapsulates why the Corbyn leadership was defeated – through constant attacks by the right, but also because of the futile attempts by the Corbyn leadership to appease the right. More details below.

    Below, find two recent statements by the newly-formed Labour Campaign for Free Speech, to which LAW is affiliated: a number of our steering committee members serve on the LCFS leading body. We would urge all comrades to join the campaign here and come to its first all-members’ meeting on May 29 (comrades will receive a Zoom link upon signing up).

    Further below, please find information about the second ‘Fightback meeting’ organised by our comrades in the Labour in Exile Network tomorrow, Saturday May 15.

    Solidarity with Howard Beckett!
    Nominate him in the UNITE general secretary elections!

    Of course Howard Beckett was not being racist when he sarcastically wrote that Priti Patel should be deported instead of the hundreds of people who are being sent back every year into war zones, poverty and abject misery. He was tweeting during the ongoing attempts in Glasgow to deport two Indian men on “immigration offenses”, who were later released after hundreds of protestors blocked the van (fantastic video here).

    He wrote: “Priti Patel should be deported, not refugees. She can go along with anyone else who supports institutional racism. She is disgusting.”

    It is clear that Beckett was in fact criticising the racism of Priti Patel, who we should remember, had to resign once before because of her attempts to schmooze various Israeli dignitaries. He later clarified that, of course, “No one should be deported”. It clearly takes a lot of bad will to purposefully misinterpret his sarcastic tweet as supporting deportations or being racist.

    Beckett is the latest victim of the witch-hunt against the left in the Labour Party, which has spread into wider society. Just like Jackie Walker, Tony Greenstein, Marc Wadsworth, Chris Williamson and many hundreds who have wrongly been branded antisemites, Beckett is being misrepresented as a racist by those who really could not care less about fighting against antisemitism or racism.

    This shows that Beckett is becoming a threat to the Labour establishment, because he is leading the race to replace Len McCluskey as leader of the powerful UNITE union. All the more reason to to go all out and support his campaign to get onto the ballot paper.

    Model motion:

    This branch/CLP notes

    The suspension of Howard Beckett from the Labour Party over a quickly-deleted tweet that read: “Priti Patel should be deported, not refugees. She can go along with anyone else who supports institutional racism. She is disgusting.”
    This branch/CLP believes

    Howard Beckett was not being racist when he sarcastically wrote that Priti Patel should be deported instead of the hundreds of people who are being sent back every year into war zones, poverty and abject misery.
    Beckett was clearly criticising the racism of Priti Patel.
    Beckett is becoming a threat to the Labour establishment, because he is leading the race to replace Len McCluskey as leader of the powerful UNITE union.
    Just like Jackie Walker, Tony Greenstein, Marc Wadsworth, Chris Williamson and many hundreds have wrongly been branded antisemites, Beckett has been wilfully misinterpreted as a racist by those who really could not care less about fighting against antisemitism or racism.
    This branch/CLP demands:

    Howard Beckett must be immediately restored as a full member of the Labour Party and Keir Starmer and David Evans should issue an apology to him.
    All those who were summarily expelled or suspended in the witch-hunt against the left should be immediately reinstated, pending an independent investigation. The whip must be restored to Jeremy Corbyn.

  5. Given that we have drifted off-topic again, I thought that I would get to know a little more about UNITE and Mr Beckett. Since I have never been a member of UNITE, I should avoid trying to form an opinion as to who would be the best GS. The disciplinary aspect does fall within my ambit, however.
    From what I can find out Mr Beckett found out about his suspension from the media. This is clearly not acceptable. The GLU is clearly going its own sweet way again and ignoring the EHRC and best practice.
    I then found out that the GLU is no longer overseen by the line of management going GLU > Head of GLU > GS of the LP > NEC. The arrangement is GLU > Executive Director of Legal Affairs > LOTO. This is clearly political control of the disciplinary process. Again, this goes against the EHRC and best practice.
    The Executive Director of Legal Affairs is called Alex Barros-Curtis. According to the Jewish Chronicle he was sole director of “Movement for Another Future Ltd.” which was linked to Starmer’s campaign for the leadership. He was a “trusted advisor” to Owen Smith’s campaign. He had previously worked on “derivatives and structured finance matters” in Hong Kong and Europe, and on the “Labour Campaign for a Single Market”, and had worked on Alex Salmond’s staff. For some reason he is highly thought of by Hertfordshire Friends of Israel.
    You get the picture. The JC were very enthusiastic about him.
    I will now try to find out if Mr Beckett has ever taken a position regarding Israel/Palestine.

    1. He has, indeed, taken a firm position on Israel/Palestine, a position critical of the Government of Israel.
      You don’t suppose ……………………

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