
Liverpool Labour mayoral candidate sends out texts calling all members by surname – and emails with ‘insert name here’

Anthony Lavelle wants to run a great city – but can’t run a message campaign

Anthony Lavelle, one of the two candidates who put themselves forward and were shortlisted to replace the three women barred without explanation by Labour from standing for selection as the party’s Liverpool mayoral candidate, hasn’t had the most sparkling start to his campaign to persuade Labour members in the city to choose him.

Lavelle started by sending out a barrage of texts to members around the city – in which he called them all by their surname, to widespread bemusement and derision:

But Lavelle went one – or several steps – better when he then emailed members in at least one ‘CLP’ with a message which said ‘insert name here’ and left out vital information such as the dates on which he was hoping they’d phonebank for him and even the name of the local constituency he was meant to be referring to:

Right-wing Cllr Lavelle hopes to persuade members he’s capable of leading a great city with a Tory-inflicted financial crisis, but it seems he has struggled to operate a contact system.

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    1. “Which … would make the best Prime Minister? You Gov 3-4 Mar

      Johnson: 36% +1 since 25-26 Feb
      Starmer: 28% -3 since 25-26 Feb
      Don’t know: 33%”

      TRANSLATION for Keith’s only fanboy / girl / club SteveH, davidH, & their global automatic switchboard , SH for short LOVES polls.

      The polled, dislike Starmer EVEN more than they do Johnson. Johnson the overseer of over 123,000 excess Covid-19 deaths. Johnson the Bullingdon rubber stamper of BILLIONS of unscrutinised PPE and Covid-19 related contracts to Tory chums, chums of chums, neighbours and donors even of less than £12,000 to Tories. Tory largesse with public funds handed out to cronies, is breathtaking. But the polled, correctly assess that Starmer will be even worse.

      But SH must be asked to answer this. Why do the polled prefer an unknown “Don’t know” to the known Starmer ? ? ?

      Starmer is more repellant than Johnson. But EVEN MORE repellant than an unknown.

      TRANSLATION – Not Starmer – Anyone else – What’s known of Keith Rodney Starmer is repellant – next – hmmm don’t like him – you MUST have someone better – Starmer ? Its a no from me. No No No

      1. You’ve got that dead wrong, signposts.

        You see, 37% of the electorate didn’t bother to vote either way in the referendum. That means they were against leaving the EU, according to the mightily odd one.

        The same thing applies here. Don’t know is actually another name stammer’s known by.

        I thought it was common knowledge because I was in the boozer a few months back during the easing off period, and stammer was spouting his usual johnson-supporting drivel on the TV. Some lad turned to his mate and asked: ‘whos that twat?’ and his mate replied: don’t know!’

        (I’ll get me coat)

      2. Superb Toffee🥇 Super that “lad” and “his mate”🥇


  1. No wonder Murkeyside enjoys its enviable reputation with these clowns battling for power. Some phrase to do with piss ups and brewery comes to mind.

    1. And still some base all their suggestions or lack on the myth that the MSM or Zionist determine our success. No!!! We determine our success.

      The abject failure of Starmer & Co is overwhelming proof. 🚨🚨🚨

  2. That’s one of Starmer & Evan’s “winners”.

    With all of the famed MSM support until recently, all the super powerful support of the Zionist which winners need, Starmer is more repellant to the public than Johnson. Starmer is more distrusted than the unknown.

    AND under Starmer if a GE was held now Labour would get the same vote share as 2019. Latest You Gov after 26th Feb.

    That’s Mandelson & Blair’s “winning strategy” as with their Remain & People’s Vote “wins”.

    Myths left to take root, so McDonnell, Thornberry, Hodge, Elman, Campbell, Blunkett, Straw, Smeeth et al AND even MSM loathing Socialist believe it.

    Smear free Starmer is SH’s it!!!

    FACT – Starmer is a smear, SH. It is a failed stink Blair smear

  3. Maybe Lavelle is the usual stooge aunt-sallie candidate put up there on a fixed short-list to make the other candidate look good.

    1. For those of you who think I might have crossed the line on a serious subject.I must admit that I am only trying in my own way to highlight the ludicrous and insulting way the Labour party in which I was a member for nearly half a century and served as a councillor as a true Opposition feels so much anger and frustration at the piss taking and the insulting way these parasites of the Labour party treat the membership….Sorry if I offended anyone,but put it down to a irish way of replying to Tyrants

      1. Joseph, your anger and frustrations are totally justified. You are helping to highlight the ROOT causes and symptoms of the compound diseases… the deadly virus of the Right Wingers not tolerated but ACTIVELY enabled by the “Left” over decades, it seems. That enablement and encouragement of the Right Wing to continue their abuse of the party is clear. There is ZERO integrity in enabling, encouraging and strengthening those who believe that those who do vital work like nurses, deserve no more than noisy applause and hollow praise.

        The myths need to be COMPLETELY demolished. Rip myths of Right Wing “winning strategy” up at their roots. A stone would have defeated the Blue Tories in 1997. Even Brown would have done so. Even Ed Miliband. Jeremy Corbyn would have walked it. Defending his principles robustly, he would not only have defeated Tories but consigned them to history.

  4. This is simply unbelievably awful. He ain’t fit to be a mayor. Where do they find them? Feel so sorry for LiverpooI.

  5. How can a 22 year old run for Mayor? It’s sheer hubris and makes a laughing stock of these elections. What’s worse is he looks like he’s barely out of school. He will certainly instill confidence in the Merseyside working class.!!!

  6. I’m afraid Lavelle is one of those right wing kids in the Labour Party who probably hark back to the ‘glorious days’ of their hero Tony Blair and keep reminding us how Labour is a ‘broad church’. I’ve met a few of them and from their conversation it’s difficult to tell them apart from Tories. Am I being unfair?

    1. No you are not unfair. The board Church has always been a myth. It needs putti g into room 101.

  7. If we can thank Starmer and Evans for one of their real successes ……. They’ve finally buried the myth of the “Broad Church”.

    1. johnsco1, “the myth of the “Broad Church”” has been buried, dug up, buried, dug up, over and over.

      The Right Wing buried it deep in the Right Wing kitchen, underneath tons of champagne, underneath a false floor. When convenient, they talk about the myth to hypnotise the ever ready to comply “Left”. The “Left” then dig the myth up with their bare hands.

  8. Siir Keir Rodney Starmer, this is your life:

    Latest YouGov poll – 45% for the Tories, 32% for Labour.

    Already, Opinium’s 43 (+3) to the Conservatives against Labour’s 36 (-2) looks so, so good.

    We can see the ‘direction of travel’ under Sir Keir Lacklustre. Starmer’s sectarian war against the left, the membership and his predecessor is showing us what a bad choice the “unity candidate” turned out to be.

    1. YouGov is a weapon of the Establishment, and as I’m sure you noticed qwertboi – given that you linked to the ongoing polling results – in the twenty polls or more prior to the YouGov poll, the LP was five points behind the Tories on average.

      And given that ‘Starmer’s sectarian war against the left’ etc has barely been mentioned in the MSM since it went into overdrive after Jeremy had the whip withdrawn, THAT can’t be a factor in the thinking of the electorate. As for his predecessor, Jeremy’s approval rating was 18% and thereabouts in the months prior to him standing down as leader, and I really can’t think of any reason why that level of approval would have improved since then. Scroll down the page to where it says: ‘Approval ratings for former party leaders’

      1. Allan Howard….I don’t know how to tell you this but Jeremy has gone.Sorry to tell you ,but yes hes gone!….Now we are discussing An thony Lavelle aged 11and a half…He will be eager to hear the results of his eleven plus exam and hoping daddy can afford the fees of Reigate independent grammar school for posh kids.An…thony as recently become enraptured by the knight of the realm Sir keir stammer.and hopes to follow in his footsteps at Reigate independent grammar school for posh kids..Not sure the scouse accent will go down but hopefully the elecution lessons will help….So its onwards and upwards and again An.thony hopes to make a big impact in young Surrey socialist founded by Sir Rodney in Socialist hot bed Oxted.village..mtgs on the green….membership 2

      2. Oh really! Jeremy’s gone, has he Joe. thanks for letting me know.

        In case anyone is unaware of it, Joe is a full-time paid shill posing as a left-winger whilst endlessly smearing Jeremy as ‘weak’ and someone who appeases his enemies and throws good comrades under the bus etc, etc, and has done so on literally hundreds of occasions since he started posting on here about three months before the 2019 GE. And it’s just coincidence of course that his good chum signpost has ALSO posted hundreds of comments to that effect since he first started posting on here about a month after Joe – ie about two months before the 2019 GE.

        A few days ago I posted several ‘replies’ in response to signpost reiterating a falsehood that he’s repeated literally scores of times. The following link is to the first of my replies (and the other two are underneath that one):

    2. Excellent analysis Alan Howard. You are right, Corbyn and Starmer are not the (sole?) reasons of their own poor performance. Neither is it adequate to say that the Conservatives have a natural advantage because, either, they are excellent politicians, or the country’s electors are instinctively and completely right wing pro-capitalist neoliberals.

      There are other reasons and they are elephants, maybe devils, in the room. Obviously, the beneficiaries of these elephants (establishment neoliberalism and Conservatives) do not want to admit the elephants’ existence. This would explain their own popularity as engineered and not inevitable.

      What could these elephants be? Big question.

      I believe I know what two maybe three of them might be, have you any thoughts

      1. And qwertboi, given that I DIDN’T say – or imply – that Jeremy (and Starmer) ‘are not the sole reasons of their own poor performance’, WHY do you begin by saying that ‘You are right’? How can I be right if I didn’t say such a thing in the first place? So why are you putting words in my mouth?

        But for all the constant smearing and demonisation by the MSM and the Jewish newspapers and the JLM et al, Jeremy would have won the 2017 GE and now be PM. And it’s precisely because he – the Labour Party – came so close to winning in 2017 that the MSM et al trebled down on the smears and demonisation.

        Anyway, so what are these two or three ‘elephants’ you have in mind, and why would you refer to such as being a ‘Big question’?

  9. It is absolutely clear that this young man is incompetent and should not have been shortlisted. He clearly was because he is neither black nor Socialist- only a white Starmerite ( sounds like a DIY product) will get the nomination of the party hierarchy for this position. I think the people of Liverpool should show their disgust by boycotting the election.
    Also glad to see so many on topic posts. Usually when something like this comes up we have off topic post after post from paid stooges whose job it is to deflect attention away from issues Skwawkbox raises. Maybe this issue is not deemed important enough by their paymasters.

    1. Smartboy – What evidence do you have to jusify you playing the ‘race card’.

  10. When are we expecting a statement from the party as to why the original candidates were stopped from continuing, re interviewed and then excluded? What information came to light that caused their candidacy to be reviewed and what process was followed by whom to review it, and who eventually decided to exclude them? This is important. Labour is supposed to be a democratic organisation run fairly and transparently.

    1. Plain citizen, in response to your question: I think that processes/procedures get done away with by Keef and co, because they decide they can. This shows them up for the people they really are. Leadership cares about creating their uniform power bases , but not the diverse people who they expect to get them there. Liverpool deserves better, we all deserve better.
      I am horrified at how things play out on a local level, the readiness of local CLP and branches to comply unquestioningly with changing back to becoming tory mark 2. I was told in one meeting that ‘those up top know best and we got to do as we are told’. And that was a statement made by a Councillor!

      1. Thank you S E-F, I agree with you and am equally horrified about the way local party members for the most part just roll over and do as they are told as soon as London calls. Perhaps they’ve been promised an invite for tea on the terrace at Westminster or membership of a juicy quango. Local members should be in overdrive agitating against this.

    2. Plain citizen…HQ have already reported the reasons for rejection of original candidates.OByrne was detained in Southport trying to park her Caravan on Pontins Holiday camp car park without clearence for unsuitable Irish name.Unfortunately at the interview for miz Rothery there was a power cut in the interview and nobody could see Rothery.The other candidate they were unable to remember her name so she was disqualified for AS.

      1. Brilliant Joseph, thank you. A more incisive analysis than so far provided by the rest of the media, are you booked for the Andrew Marr show yet? We disagree on many things but you are fundamentally a good guy. Cheers

      2. Plain citizen.. A touch of Bolton sense of humour with a little Irish humour that I picked up at St Joseph’s school that peter kay was dragged through.I was surprised its still going as it was more of a finishing school for borstal.than a educational establishment….Fr unsworth would have kicked my head in for that comment..!.sorry it was a great school for training in unharmed combat and how to strip a church roof of lead in ten minutes.

      3. Like you Joseph, I went to a good school, it was Approved. (readers under aged 60 probably won’t get that).

  11. Stammer is 13 points behind Johnson it’ s going to get even worse by putting a 22 year old into a position that has no experience in do stammer and chums think people in Liverpool are plain fucking stupid I see Y/C has being getting a bit more air time on sky/bbc maybe she is the new labour Tzar to take over this useless parasite

    1. SH’s Sir Keith Starmer is 4 points behind Johnson re: metropolitan and shire elite.

      But even worse, 25 points behind the working classes. TWENTY FIVE POINTS behind Johnson in Labour Heartlands.

      Mandelson no doubt filled Keith with scorn for those who keep this country working just as he filled another parasite – “DON’t FUSS about the working classes, THEY HAVE NOWHERE ELSE TO GO.”

      Mandelson, Bliar & Starmer with their winning strategy and FULL PLP, FULL SCG including Jeremy, MSM … oh and OMNIPOTENT Zionist support which some always bang on about…. yet the war criminal Bliar lost Scotland, lost vote share, lost vast membership, LOST the Remain debate REPEATEDLY, LOST the Overturn the referendum “People’s Vote” twaddle and now Sir Keith Starmer is twenty five points behind Johnson. And all that with MILLIONS of Pounds and Dollars from here and abroad.

      And still i read right here yesterday, perfectly sincere, dedicated, knowledgable, people STILL despite all that… S T I L L proposing we choose a leader who won’t upset the MSM.

      I posted here ages ago that people STILL worship myths despite overwhelming evidence. That’s why i believe our problem is attitude. The timid culture is ingrained.

      QUESTION – Even ignoring all the evidence above that MSM etc and “Zionist” are certainly NOT omnipotent. Some Power, tes because they USE their power. We don’t use ours. We have the proof. Were they omnipotent, Starmer would be 25 points ahead, Bliar would be queen, “traffic stopping” EU Empress, chief rabbi and pope all at once…oh, and Trump would be in his second term NOT in Florida.

      But back to question – IF some STILL pander to the MSM by suggesting we should choose our next leader to please them, THEN what else should we do to please the MSM???

      And if we must choose leaders who will gain the approval of those we despise, then WHAT EXACTLY ARE WE FOR❓❓❓

      What EXACTLY have we learnt❓❓❓

      WHY bother❓❓❓

  12. Don’t be hard on the young lad. Maybe his only other option was working at a call centre or doing some zero hours contract stuff. He’s entitled to be clueless. Maybe he could be leader of the party when they shuffle Starmer out.

    1. Goldbach….I can see you have got the measure of the Labour party vigorous selection process and forensic procedures..Young An..thony was flabbergasted that he might be leader at eleven and a half years old.

  13. This is a purposefully provocative, in your face stitch-up, designed to send the message:

    “We don’t actually care what the Members want, you’re going to have to get used to the idea that, under our great leader Keith the Almighty Abstainer, your going to take what you’re given.

    And if you don’t like it, leave and let us Red Tories carry on with creating a Right Wing, One Party State.”

  14. Any news on the labour candidate for the PCC? It’s simply got to be a stammerite. It pays £86k and you do less work than an MP. I mean, nobody’s had sight nor sound of jane ‘the liar’ kennedy after she spouted that bollocks over ‘brickgate’ almost five years ago.

    Not a peep. Which makes kennedy the best part of £430k better off for being invisible. Statistics for the year ending June 2020 show Merseyside Police has seen a decrease in overall crime of 0.2%. This compares with a decrease of 4.9% nationally.—year-ending-june-2020/#:

    Personally, I think that is the crime that’s been commissioned;

    And, you only need the vote of something like 7% of the electorate to get it….So, hands up who likes stammer?

  15. Joseph o”Keefe, Notlob is one of my favourite towns. Actually I support Wanderers. and I like its people, straight-talking, and I like the pie shop.
    Sorry not really relevant but…..

  16. It looks like Starmer is starting to wobble as bad press escalates, things will happen quickly after the local elections but the left are going to have missed their chance until 2025 if he’s replaced by another from the right.

    I’d take £100 that Milliband (David) will be back at some point and he won’t make the same mistakes that Keir has.

    Who will be up for it? I’m thinking Clive Lewis?

    1. I agree. Clive Lewis will be well-prepared to have a go.
      Miliband D. would be a shrewder operator than Starmer, but too easy to cast as yesterday’s man who took his ball home when they wouldn’t let him be captain. Anyhow he’s on too good an earner.

      1. FFS goldbach ! The mere fact that people posting as Left Wingers on here seriously propose (repeatedly) that total opportunist, pro EU fanatic, Clive Lewis, as some sort of credible standard bearer for a Left bid as Leader against Starmer just demonstrates the political bankruptcy of so much of the Corbynite Labour Left ! FFS, Clive Lewis was a key player in all that cynical pro EU, Peoples Vote and 2nd Referendum bollocks that split Jeremy from his naive Left Liberal pro EU Labour Member supporters – forced the ludicrously slippery, dishonest Brexit ‘position’ we held in the 2019 Election – which signalled correctly to our Labour Heartland pro Brexit voters that we were reneging on our 2017 PROMISE to ‘respect the Referendum result’ – and was the main factor losing us our Heartland voters and so many vital traditional Labour seats. And you want this pro EU fanatic (who agrees with EVERYTHING Starmer said on Brexit and the oh-so-wonderful EU !) to be a credible Left candidate ! FFS, the supposed ‘Left’ of the Labour Party are just as lost politically as the resurrected Blairites now in charge of the Party with their electorally toxic Tory-lite neo Blairism.

        Not that the PLP gatekeepers would EVER let anyone vaguely Left back on the candidate shortlist for Leader ever again. The hubristic Starmerites , now so very clearly fully back in charge, reckon they have years yet before a General Election – and in the meantime they are fully engaged in a slash and burn purge of even the mildest Labour Party Leftie. By 2023/24 the Labour Right expect to be in charge of a tightly disciplined, possibly only 100,000, membership, Party, supported mainly by a few corrupt old Labour Right run unions , plus some billionaire funders – a close copy of the US Democrats in top-down structure , and politics (but in NuLabour 2’s case , to the RIGHT of the US Democrats) . The joke is that this strategy will bring about the final ‘Pasok Moment’ of electoral oblivion for Labour. In most of Europe when the old corrupt social democratic parties collapsed it was the Far RIGHT whicheventually filled the gap – not some new radical Left Party – or not for long anyway , after a brief surge , as per ‘Corbynism’ in the UK. , eg, Syriza and Podemos , and Die Linke. Given how utterly middle class, and lacking real socialist politics, and confused, much of the supposed Left is , this is not surprising !

      2. I too couldn’t agree more.

        That’s why we must do everything in our power, from within and outside to end the sickening swing from open Right Wing to pretend “Left”. The Establishment has so far successfully engineered the system and also cultivated timidity. Enough people sincerely believe they have no choice but to hope for two or three crumbs. People are made to feel afraid of Tories dressed as Tories yet knock on doors for those dressed as Labour. I say bashed with a red baton is no less horrific than being bashed by a ted one.

        Right has successfully Infested the “Left”, and make careerists of loose beliefs, lead a confidence poor “Left” to feel they have no choice. The “Left” does have choices. The first is to refuse to water-down in any way or principles. Refuse ALL support to the obvious saboteurs. And also refuse ALL support to those who have remained silent ir have spoken even in the slightest way that enables Starmer. They cannot be trusted. They are part of the problem. They are infinitely more dangerous than Tories outside the party because they keep the tragic pendulum swinging just so. They’ve had enough time. They’ve demonstrated over and over their active DESPERATE commitment to the system. Put money on it. If certain people are even invited back into the husk that is the PLP and shadow cabinet, they will jump at it. A long time ago, they gave up on any idea of self-respect, self-determination and dynamic action.

        A sufficient number STILL hope to persuade and convert the Tory infestation. Take note. In fact a key few with EASY access to public platforms are STILL willing, despite all we have seen, experience and felt in high definition, they STILL this very day will be willing to persuade a sufficient number of “the many” to jump AGAIN on the Status Quo pendulum and swing, swing, swing
        to doom

  17. I love the town of Bolton Sabine,but most of my life I spent abroad or in Surrey.I still have many relatives there and around Lancashire(Manchester)now but I still support the “Trotters and remember the back streets of Bolton and the slum clearence under a Labour government.I am staying up late tommorow to watch the wanderers as I do twice a week through the football season.Supporting Bolton wanderers is a difficult road to follow ,many disappointing results up intill now.Lets hope the Labour party have a new management like Bolton wanderers soon otherwise it will be the bankruptcy Bolton faced.and a winding up of a once proud movement for the working-class people.

    1. Infinitely worse and of KEY significance are the facts:

      1️⃣ – Just b4 GE2019, Thatcher’s “best” creation, as it hissed with pride, the War Criminal, liar and supporter of George Bush’s illegal invasion of Iraq, showed it’s deadly judgement.

      Bliar’s support of Bush, spun by Alastair Campbell and Peter Mandelson and supported by all the saboteurs of two TRUE Labour GE victories, resulted in over one MILLION women, children and men dying by two thousand pound bombs and other atrocities.

      The war criminal Blair and it’s helpers endorsed Johnson to be PM leading a Tory government. The tragedy now exposes the worse than evil “judgement” of Bliar, Mandelson and Starmer.

      The Tory budget, including more enrichment of the one percent and a violent kick in the teeth to the nurses was PREDICTABLE and PREDICTED right here on

      Starmer and Blair were ALWAYS bad news. No good could ever come from enabling them. A party occupied by any of that lot are unfit for a progressive society. Unfit and to transform this country for the better.

      They are redolent of all SH determinedly and shamelessly struggles to spin. They are destructive, debased, debauched, derelict of conscience, and certainly in the case of Blair derelict of the slightest trace of humanity.

      We must not lift a finger to enable such wicked entities. Our membership fees are a means to have a say to act, to ensure their anti-Labour sabotage fails.

      Without our support they will fail exactly like Luciferiana Berger, Rutheless Smeeth, Egregious Elman, Cukka Ummumma, Soubrey, Swinson and all the other losers re “People’s Vote” Overturn the votes and their a-S ridiculous theatrics which have suddenly vanished!!!

      Let them fail, they will go through the revolving door. We can then build a decent party. Slam the revolving door shut and demolish them and their shameless self-serving careerist corruption.


      1. SteveH – No.
        Read again. My words are clear and i’m sure u understood them. Once again like the splinter sucker outer and WFM u deliberately attempt to twist clear words.

        Blair abused the office of PM of this country to be poodle in chief for Bush’s illegal Iraq invasion. Since that atrocity and Blair’s other loyal and devoted services to war and the military industrial complex, the abominable creature plotted and schemed to choreograph the two coups against Jeremy, WITH Sir Keith Starmer.

        Starmer with the other plotters, sabotaged the GE2017 and GE2019 wins because they feared their snouts might be obstructed from the troughs a little bit. They knew and know they could easily get Jeremy and team to appease them but felt the thought of him having the trappings and baubles of office unbearable. Why because types like Bliar, David Miliband, Cameron, Brown, and Keith
        L O V E baubles and to “stop traffic.” They crave that pomp and circumstance.

        This very day the slithering creature, if given one thousandth of a chance, would crown itself pope, queen, archbishop of Canterbury, chief rabbi, pandit, mullah, reincarnated “last empress of India” and the second coming of Jesus… ALL at the same time.

        But SH, it is not totally useless, your attempt above, to repair the irreparable Starmer. Your titbit confirms Keith has no excuse. He knows what he does. He knows that Blair committed an illegal act and heaped more shame on Labour and this country. Yet Starmer joined with the most dastardly of war criminals, to sabotage a TRUE Labour victory.
        The war criminal could not endure the thought of even one less war if Jeremy became Prime Minister. The thought of less bombing and bloodshed is unbearable to Blair. Check all it’s noises since. Since Iraq, it has not knowingly failed to support any other military festival of arms sales and orphan making bloodshed.

      2. windchimes – “[Blaire] choreograph[ed] the two coups against Jeremy, WITH Sir Keith Starmer.”

        You are making stuff up again.

      3. SH it as you well know was the operation “STOP CORBYN” plotted and choreographed by your “Mandy” as u called him, Bliar, Arsetair Campbellend, Twatson, Hodge, Luciferiana Berger, Hodge, and other reprobates and degenerates u know full well.

        I only hope those genuine “Left” see how hard u and your lot work to embed / normalise your script. You guard the myths with your every working minute.

        Extraordinary that so many sincere “Left” feel it is beneath them. Then they complain of the MSM repeating lies. They try to silence your delivering for free, the spin from the parasites, when he opportunity should be used to practise exposing and crushing it.

        WFM, splinter sucker outer and their recently activated bot bot are certainly tiresome and are of little worth. But u SH, it is obvious what u r. U have courage of your convictions however misguided or sordid. The “Left” is correct but has almost zero courage. U speak up constantly to defend what’s wrong. Most on the “Left” claim to want to affect things in Kashmir, but prefer stay silent on a blog. Many on the left never knowingly avoid jumping on any further social atomisation or any virtuous cause they r useless to affect abroad yet roll eyes right to the back of their heads to urgent fundamental matters right here at home. There are many tedious moans about the MSM, yet the same try to police what posters say here.

        Throughout history everywhere, you know wrong uns, when instead of putting their arguments they try to silence others. It is always due to them being devoid of sound argument, some desperation typical of careerist and most seriously, the welfare of the many is not their concern.

        Take note. Note them. Be alert. Always.

      4. windchimes – Well at least you’ve had the good grace to admit that you were telling big fat porkies about Keir Starmer colluding with Blair in the coups against JC.

      5. There u go blatantly twisting words again. I admitted to no such thing. Starmer as you know colluded with Blair in the coups against Jeremy and in the sabotage against what would have been easy victories in GEs 2017 and 2019.

        Keith knew Bliar is s war criminal, yet colluded with a known war criminal against Jeremy who has been and remains firmly against unnecessary bloodshed. Unlike Bliar, military intervention is a last resort. For Bush’s poodle Bliar, military invasions and bloodshed are food and drink. 📛✴️📛✴️📛✴️

      6. windchimes – …and there was I thinking that you were
        gently backtracking on your original comment by not mentioning Keir in you previous post. Given that your false allegation against Keir was the subject we were discussing was their smother reason that you completely neglected to mention his name once in your previous diatribe.
        Could you please supply some credible evidence to support your malicious ‘assertion’ that.
        “[Blaire] choreograph[ed] the two coups against Jeremy, WITH Sir Keith Starmer.”
        I await your comprehensive reply with interest.

      7. SH, do u condemn foreign entities interfering in UK politics?

        I await your clear unequivocal condemnation of foreign entities interfering in UK politics.

        Do you disapprove of foreign interference in UK politics. Yes or No❓❓❓

      8. windchimes – Of course I condemn it when it happens to us, what right minded person wouldn’t. But as most states do it, including ourselves, I really can’t see what purpose you hope my condemnation will serve.
        Now can we get back to the issue of you supplying some credible evidence to support your malicious assertion that
        “[Blaire] choreograph[ed] the two coups against Jeremy, WITH Sir Keith Starmer.”
        I await your comprehensive reply with interest.

      9. windchimes – Please don’t forget that we are still waiting for you to provide some credible evidence that supports your malicious assertion that
        “[Blaire] choreograph[ed] the two coups against Jeremy, WITH Sir Keith Starmer.”
        I await your comprehensive reply with interest.

  18. Re: jpenney – Wasn’t proposing Clive Lewis. Just saying that it seems clear that he’ll have a go.

  19. Here we go again theres nowt to be done, we’re all doomed
    Methinks not
    There is an all out civil war to come in the Labour party, after the internal report there is no other way forward
    So are you part of this once in a lifetime Donnybrook

    1. There u have it!!! Starmer behind Johnson amongst the middle classes by four points but but behind Johnson in traditional Labour Heartlands which have ALWAYS voted Labour until the Starmer push to overturn their democratic vote for Brexit.

      Now Sir KEITH is 25 points behind Johnson. TWENTY FIVE points behind the lazy irresponsible Johnson. Why because the public know, why have a wannabe deceitful Tory in tacky costume when they could have those honest enough to admit they are bastards. And in anywise they know Starmer and cabal will be snouting in ever trough as if high on A class drugs Gove might serve after the 6th course of his dinner parties. The Tories are full but greedy out of habit. Generations of inbred greed. Starmer & Co on the other hand are desperate to catch up with the Blue snouters so are more avaricious. Avarice on speed. In a rush to gorge. In a rush to be rewarded by the one percent through the revolving doors.


      1. windchimes have you compared Jeremy’s nett approval ratings when he was LOTO against Boris with Starmer’s against Boris.
        I don’t remember you getting your knickers in a twist about Jeremy’s woeful performance in the polls when two thirds of the electorate were expressing an active dislike of him.

      2. SH it’s YOUR l o v e of polls which should make all readers of dump them on you. Dumping it on u SH it and the many polls r yours on which to spin.

        Max Headroom, Over Waxed Bollard, Misshaped ex DPP dipstick, Potato Face Sir Keith Starmer is now TWENTY FIVE points behind Johnson. Johnson!!! Spin it SH.

        Sir Keith Starmer is SH’s it. SH it’s in your court‼️‼️‼️

      3. windchimes – Wow, how clever of you. I’m sure that everyone will be just as impressed as I was with your creative use of the [Shift] key.

    2. Doug – \if so it will be a very uneven fight.
      According to the latest YouGov poll (that some on here are so anxious to quote from) 75% of Labour supporters believe that Keir would make the best PM, coincidentally 75% of Labour voters also think that in retrospect we were wrong to leave the EU with only 17% thinking that we were right to leave.

  20. <windchimes have you compared Jeremy’s nett approval ratings when he was LOTO against Boris with Starmer’s against Boris

    And there it is..proof that it WAS all about your EU shithousery.

    You make out that your shithouse still being behind (a pandemic fuck up) de piffle is such a good thing because Corbyn was supposedly even further behind when there was no (deliberate) pandemic mismanagement.

    And with a friendly press, plus any murmur of dissent – or even the idea if any murmur – stomped on and buried under stammer’s fawning sycophancy and woeful failure to challenge the rags on anything.

    YOU wanted stammer. YOU lumbered the nation with it. YOU reckoned he’d be a huge improvement on his predecessor, and it’s plain as day he’s the exact fucking opposite.

    But still you hark on and make up shit about something that isn’t even relevant. Stammers the leader – Not Corbyn.

    Stammer doesn’t even fight, being the oleaginous, useless piece of shite he is. He only sack his own MPs from positions if they go against a one line whip. Fuck knows what he’d do if he was to give them a *free* vote.

    You are nothing but a massive dogshit complaining about the smell of a single mouse turd.

    So you either tell us the difference between stammerism and conservatism, or fuck the fuck off.

    And don’t bother complaining about my vernacular. Told you too many times before about your condescension.

    1. toffee – So says the person who couldn’t even be arsed to join the party and support JC when he was on office. You’re nothing but a waste of space,

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