Exclusive: award-winning film-makers’ moving video of wronged Liverpool mayoral hopeful Anna Rothery

“We’re taking the unusual step of releasing this clip of Anna because of the shameful way she’s been treated by the leadership of the party. Labour has a problem with Black and minority ethnic and socialist members. There should be no place for racism in the Labour Party” – part of a statement from the makers of the film

Anna Rothery was the left’s hope in the contest to become Liverpool’s mayoral candidate and would have become the UK’s first black woman executive mayor – but she is now fighting to remain in the contest after being shamefully cut out of the selection by an ‘unholy alliance’ of right-wingers and a ‘north-west mafia‘ hoping to replace her with a candidate more to their liking.

Award-winning film-makers Hazuan Hashim and Phil Maxwell made this moving film of Rothery’s speech on the Windrush generation and scandal – and have provided it to SKWAWKBOX as a global exclusive:

The movie gives an inkling of what Liverpool and the city’s Labour party will miss out on if Rothery’s threatened legal action does not succeed in overturning the scandal.

Film makers Hazuan Hashim (Bectu) and Phil Maxwell (NUJ) said:

The decision to start a new application process is a cynical manoeuvre to stop black candidate Anna Rothery who has attracted support from the left of the party including Jeremy Corbyn. We filmed Anna campaigning in Liverpool in July 2019 for a documentary we are making on the Black Lives Matter movement, which is due to be released later this year.

We’re taking the unusual step of releasing this clip of Anna because of the shameful way she’s been treated by the leadership of the party. Labour has a problem with Black and minority ethnic and socialist members. There should be no place for racism in the Labour Party.

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